A (re)(re)(re)retranslation of Pride and Prejudice, made for #NaNoGenMo 2021
This short script uses Google and Alibaba's translation APIs to translate Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice from English to Chinese, Chinese to Russian, then to Portuguese, and finally back to English. To avoid being cut off from these APIs, it only translates a paragraph at a time, and pauses for 90 seconds between each step.
Key Files:
- pride.py is the script itself
- pride_and_prejudice_complete.txt is the original novel, as it appears on Project Gutenberg
- pride-translated.txt is the new translation
I have plans to format the text file, but that'll have to wait for another day. When I do, it will look something like this:
(Sad trombone: I just may be missing some paragraphs in the middle due to some glitches with the APIs. They'll be here soon!)