To run the shell do:
The commands implemented are:
- ls(lsHandler.h)
- echo(builtin.h)
- cd(builtin.h)
- pwd(builtin.h)
- history(history.h)
- pinfo(pinfoHandler.h)
- jobs(jobs.h)
- sig(signalHandler.h)
- fg(fgHandler.h)
- bg(bgHandler.h)
- Input.h file manages the input received from the shell and tokenized it to seperate the commands and get space seprated flags and inputs
- global.h have all the constants and global variable that are used in the shell
- headers.h have all the header import required for the functioning.
- initialPrompt.h files prints the initial prompt onto the terminal.
- main.c is the file having the main function and running the entire shell
- unknownCommands.h file is used to run shell commands using execvp that are not implemented.
- & can be used to run process in the background and pinfo can be used to check their status.
- File input.h has functions to maintain the piping functions of the shell.
- File redirection.h maintains the input output redirection of the shell using '>' or '<' symbols.
- signalHandler.h file mangages the sig command.
- file global.h have function that manage the the ctrl+C input and ctrl+Z input to the shell.
- fgHandler.h and bgHandler.h files manage he foreground and background switching of the processes.
Assumptions made:
- Max number of arguments that can be given with a command are 256.
- Maximum length of input can be 2056 character long.
- Max number of commands that can be given at a single time are 256.
- In repeat command the number of repeats that is the first argument after the command name can be 0-9