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.NetCore package to make trades with Unofficial Robinhood API.
See @Sanko's Unofficial Documentation for more information.

Getting Started

  1. Install the package from GitHub packages or NuGet packages
dotnet add package robinhood-csharp
  1. Create Authentication section configuration in your project that call this package

In order to get device token, follow

"RobinhoodAuthentication": {
    //UserName is email format
    "UserName": "**********", 
    "Password": "**********",
    "ExpirationTime": 734000,
    "Timeout": 5,
    "ChallengeType": "sms",
    "DeviceToken": "**********"
  1. Add the configuration needed for the package in Program.cs

    1. REST API
    2. Console APP
      private static IConfiguration _configuration;
      private static IServiceProvider _serviceProvider;
      private static IHostBuilder CreateHostBuilder(string[] args)
          return Host.CreateDefaultBuilder(args)
              .ConfigureServices(services =>
                  _serviceProvider = services.BuildServiceProvider();
      private static void AddConfiguration(IConfigurationBuilder builder)
          IConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder =
                  .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", false, true);
          _configuration = configurationBuilder.Build();
  2. Inject IRobinhood Interface

  3. Call login method

AuthenticationResponse authResponse = await _robinhood.LoginAsync();
  1. Manage challenge case
if (authResponse.IsChallenge)
        Challenge challenge = authResponse.Challenge;

        Console.WriteLine($"Input challenge code from {challenge.Type} ({challenge.RemainingAttempts}/{challenge.RemainingRetries}):");
        string code = Console.ReadLine();

        authResponse = await _robinhood.ChallengeOauth2Async(challenge.Id, code);
    } while (authResponse.IsChallenge && authResponse.Challenge.CanRetry);
  1. Manage Mfa case
if (authResponse.MfaRequired)
    int attempts = 3;
    (HttpStatusCode statusCode, AuthenticationResponse mfaAuth) mfaResponse;
        Console.WriteLine($"Input the MFA code:");
        string code = Console.ReadLine();

        mfaResponse = await _robinhood.MfaOath2Async(code);
    } while (attempts > 0 && mfaResponse.statusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK);

    authResponse = mfaResponse.mfaAuth;

  1. Configure the token expiration date, refresh token and Authorization header by calling ConfigureManager method

Samples and tests

  • Check user information example :
User user = await _robinhood.GetUserAsync();
  • Find tests examples for all routes under samples/RbConsoleApp project.
  • Find one test example for REST API under samples/RbWebApi project.