A musicbot for Teamspeak which uses VLC to directly stream audio from YouTube.
To control the bot on teamspeak send a command to the the bot or a channel it is currently inside.
Commands are built upon a structure.
A command starts with a keyword and can be followed up by certain arguments seperated with spaces which further specify the behavior of the command.
Arguments on their own can require values, if so they will end with a colon and the values will need to be specified behind them, seperated by spaces aswell.
Depending on the platform commands can have prefixes to which the command keywords are simply appended.
An example command for teamspeak could look like this:
!command arg1: value1 arg2 arg3: value3
Plattform | Prefix |
Teamspeak | ! or : |
Terminal | None |
Function | Command |
adding a song to the queue | prefix play song* |
playing a song right after the current song | prefix playnext song* |
playing a song right now | prefix playnow song* |
playing a song at a certain index in the queue | prefix playqueue index |
resuming the song | prefix play |
removing the song at a certain index | prefix remove index |
removing the next song | prefix removenext |
removing the current song | prefix removecurrent |
pausing the song | prefix pause |
toggling the playback state | prefix toggle |
playing the next song | prefix next |
playing the previous song | prefix prev |
stopping the song | prefix stop |
clearing the queue | prefix clear |
repeating one song | prefix repeat |
repeating all songs | prefix repeat all |
stop repeating | prefix repeat stop |
shuffling the queue | prefix shuffle |
listing the queue | prefix list |
setting the playback position in percent | prefix position value |
adding a value to the position | prefix position +value |
subtracting a value from the position | prefix position -value |
setting the playback speed in percent | prefix speed value |
adding a value to the speed | prefix speed +value |
subtracting a value from the speed | prefix speed -value |
setting the volume to a value between 0 to 120 | prefix volume value |
adding a value to the volume | prefix volume +value |
subtracting a value from the volume | prefix volume -value |
creating a playlist | prefix playlist create: name |
creating a playlist from the queue | prefix playlist create: name from: queue |
creating a playlist from another playlist | prefix playlist create: name from: playlist |
deleteting a playlist | prefix playlist delete: name |
adding a song to a playlist | prefix playlist add: song* to: name |
adding a song at a certain index of the queue to a playlist | prefix playlist add: index to: name |
adding the current song to a playlist | prefix playlist add: currentsong to: name |
adding the queue to a playlist | prefix playlist add: queue to: name |
adding a playlist to another playlist | prefix playlist add: playlist to: name |
removing a song at a certain index from a playlist | prefix playlist remove: index from: name |
adding the playlist to the queue | prefix playlist queue: name |
replacing the queue with a playlist | prefix playlist play: name |
shuffling a playlist | prefix playlist shuffle: name |
clearing a playlist | prefix playlist clear: name |
listing all playlists | prefix playlist list: all |
listing a playlist | prefix playlist list: name |
make the bot join your channel | prefix comeover |
* songs can be youtube urls or just text which will be used to search a song on youtube
Command | Short Form |
play | pl |
playnext | pnx |
playnow | pnw |
playqueue | pq |
remove | rm |
removenext | rn |
removecurrent | rc |
pause | pa |
toggle | tg |
next | nx |
prev | pr |
stop | st |
clear | cl |
shuffle | sh |
repeat | rp |
list | ls |
position | ps |
speed | sp |
volume | vl |
playlist | pll |
comeover | co |
Argument | Short Form |
create: | cr: |
delete: | dl: |
add: | ad: |
remove: | rm: |
play: | pl: |
queue: | qu: |
shuffle: | sh: |
clear: | cl: |
list: | ls: |
from: | fr: |
Argument Values | Short Form |
all | a |
stop | s |
queue | q |
currentsong | cs |
Play Owl City - Fireflies from YouTube:
by the automatic search function
!play owl city fireflies
by directly providing a YouTube URL
!play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4
Create a playlist named myplaylist:
!playlist create: myplaylist
Add a song to the playlist myplaylist:
!playlist add: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4 to: myplaylist
Queue the playlist myplaylist:
!playlist queue: myplaylist
Play Owl City - Fireflies from YouTube:
by the automatic search function
play owl city fireflies
by directly providing a YouTube URL
play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4
Create a playlist named myplaylist:
playlist create: myplaylist
Add a song to the playlist myplaylist:
playlist add: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psuRGfAaju4 to: myplaylist
Queue the playlist myplaylist:
playlist queue: myplaylist
The bots functionality is provided by modules which can be enabled through startup parameters.
These parameters have to be specified after the main.py file when executing.
An example could look like this:
python3 main.py ctz
Module | Parameter | Function |
CLI | c | provides a direct command line interface in the terminal |
Teamspeak | t | provides a command line interface through teamspeak chat messages |
ZMQ | z | provides a command line interface through a zmq server which can be locally accessed through the zmqinterface.py script in the tools dir |
Debug | d | provides debug functionality and logs |
Silent | s | writes all text output to a log file |
- Python 3.7
- TeamSpeak 3 client
- VLC media player 3.0
- VB-CABLE (or another app for routing audio as an input to teamspeak)
- Clone or download ts3musicbot-git
- Download and install Python, TeamSpeak, VLC media player and VB-CABLE
- Navigate into the ts3musicbot-git/ts3musicbot directory that you've downloaded and install all python dependencies by executing the command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
. - Install the ClientQuery plugin in TeamSpeak directly by going to: Tools - Options - Addons - Browse online and then searching ClientQuery and installing it
- Start the bot once by executing the main.py file in the ts3musicbot dir which will create the data folder inside it with a config file and then close it.
- Open the config.json file and fill in the apikey which can be found in your teamspeak client at: tools - options - addons - clientquery - settings.
- Optionally change the nickname of the bot and add a default server address aswell as a teamspeak path to automatically start teamspeak.