This is a program that uses java sockets to simulate a bulletin board where a user can post virtual post it notes. The program supports multiple users using threads so all notes are stored on the server and multiple users can view / make changes simultaneously. A board is generated and the user must give coordinates / a message to attach posts to the board. Addition commandsd are used to do things like remove all the current post it notes or retrieve all the messages in a certain section of the bulletin board.
A file that runs the server side and handles commands
A file that handles the GUI / input from the user
POST(noteX,noteY,noteWidth,noteHeight,noteColor,noteMessage) posts note with given information
PIN(x,y) Pins the notes in the given coordinate (pins are unpinned by default) only prioritized messages are pinned.
UNPIN(x,y) Unpin the notes in a given coordinate
GET(x,y) Retrieve the post at this coordinate and display its message
CLEAR Remove all the posts on the board