Fork of Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet. Original project and documentation at
New option --fix-nan=1 . You can use it if you have "get nan or inf" error, wich sometimes popping up on some lower end GPU's. This option add unary operation wich replace NaN values with zeros in gradients of convolutinal layers. This is an experimantal option, it's possible that it's not always help.
Dropout imported from Daniel Nouri's fork of cuda-convnet, original at
new parameter for weight layers - L2 norm constraint:
If (L2 norm of weight layer)/sqrt(layer size) is more than renorm layer elementwise multiplied on renom/((L2 norm of weight layer)/sqrt(layer size) ) -
New cost layer: L_p-normed logistic regression - [rlog]
[rlog] examples at layer-params-80sec_w.cfg and layers-80sec_w.cfg
new parameters for [rlog] layer:
cost function for rlog is sum ||log(p)||^lp_norm
each minibatch gardient has adaptive step
step = min(coeff, (average log(p) over minibatch)^l_decay) instead of coeff -
New cost layer: L2 SVM (implemented as two layer - [svm] activation and [svm_cost]) following Yichuan Tang paper
learning rate scheduler: option --param-sched= file_name.cfg, exampe at ./example-layers/param_sched_s.cfg
Installation and compilation for Linux should be the same as in the original Alex Krizhevsky's convnet
NVIDIA videocad with cuda compute capability 2.0 or better
Windows x64
Cuda SDK 4.2 (will not work for 5.0, for 5.0 port look to original project commentaries or Wyvernbai blog
Visual Studio 2008 or later with x64 support(x64 is not installed by defult in VS, may require installation update).
Python 2.7 64bit; Neither Python 3.*, nor Python compiled for 32 bits will not work
NumPy package for 64bit Python NumPy for window and 64bit python included in Anaconda package and WinPython package. Pythonxy will not work - it's only 32 bit
Install WinPython or Anaconda for both 64bit Python and NumPy
Make shure that you have PYTHONPATH enviromental variable set only to your 64 bit Python folder. If it set to other folder(s) you should replace $(PYTHONPATH) in the project settings in C/C++ and linker to absolute directory of 64bit python.
create folder in (NVIDIA SDK)\C\src folder and create repository there (for example E:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK 4.2\C\src\convnet) and pull
unpack win_convnet\ into win_convnet folder
build project pyconvnet for x64 (preferably Release), it should produce pyconvnet.pyd (dll for python) in win_convnet folder
run synthetic test from :
python --layer-def=./example-layers/layers.gc.cfg --layer-params=./example-layers/layer-params.gc.cfg --data-provider=dummy-cn-192 --check-grads=1
Depending on your videocard some tests may fail, but majority should almoste always pass.
- Download real data from and run training on them, as described at
While building this project I've followed exellent instructions by Yalong Bai(Wyvernbai)from and used his precompiled dlls, with some changes (cuda 4.2 instead of 5.2)