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feat: update contents about lib.mkBefore & lib.mkAfter
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ryan4yin committed Dec 21, 2023
1 parent 883393e commit 50ef281
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 81 deletions.
97 changes: 58 additions & 39 deletions docs/nixos-with-flakes/
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Expand Up @@ -185,6 +185,8 @@ Then, for my desktop machine, I override the value in [ryan4yin/nix-config/blob/

In addition to `lib.mkDefault` and `lib.mkForce`, there are also `lib.mkBefore` and `lib.mkAfter`, which are used to set the merge order of **list-type options**. These functions further contribute to the modularization of the configuration.

> I haven't found the official documentation for list-type options, but I simply understand that they are types whose merge results are related to the order of merging. According to this understanding, both `list` and `string` types are list-type options, and these functions can indeed be used on these two types in practice.
As mentioned earlier, when you define multiple values with the same **override priority**, Nix will throw an error. However, by using `lib.mkOrder`, `lib.mkBefore`, or `lib.mkAfter`, you can define multiple values with the same override priority, and they will be merged in the order you specify.

To examine the source code of `lib.mkBefore`, you can run `nix repl -f '<nixpkgs>'` and then enter `:e lib.mkBefore`. To learn more about `nix repl`, type `:?` for the help information:
Expand All @@ -210,69 +212,86 @@ Therefore, `lib.mkBefore` is a shorthand for `lib.mkOrder 500`, and `lib.mkAfter

To test the usage of `lib.mkBefore` and `lib.mkAfter`, let's create a simple Flake project:

# Create flake.nix with the following content
› cat <<EOF | sudo tee flake.nix
# flake.nix
description = "Ryan's NixOS Flake";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: {
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...}: {
nixosConfigurations = {
"nixos-test" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# Demo module 1: insert 'git' at the head of the list
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = lib.mkBefore [pkgs.git];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = lib.mkBefore ''
echo 'insert before default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = lib.mkBefore "echo 'insert before default';";
nix.settings.substituters = lib.mkBefore [
# Demo module 2: insert 'vim' at the tail of the list
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = lib.mkAfter [pkgs.vim];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = lib.mkAfter ''
echo 'insert after default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = lib.mkAfter "echo 'insert after default';";
nix.settings.substituters = lib.mkAfter [
# Demo module 3: simply add 'curl' to the list
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [curl];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = ''
echo 'this is default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = "echo 'this is default';";
nix.settings.substituters = [

The flake above contains the usage of `lib.mkBefore` and `lib.mkAfter` on multiline strings, single-line strings, and lists. Let's test the results:

# Example 1: multiline string merging
echo $(nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.programs.bash.shellInit)
trace: warning: system.stateVersion is not set, defaulting to 23.11. Read why this matters on
"echo 'insert before default'
echo 'this is default'
if [ -z \"$__NIXOS_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE\" ]; then
. /nix/store/60882lm9znqdmbssxqsd5bgnb7gybaf2-set-environment
# Create flake.lock
› nix flake update
# Enter the nix repl environment
› nix repl
Welcome to Nix 2.13.3. Type :? for help.
echo 'insert after default'
# Load the flake we just created
nix-repl> :lf .
Added 9 variables.
# example 2: single-line string merging
echo $(nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.programs.zsh.shellInit)
"echo 'insert before default';
echo 'this is default';
echo 'insert after default';"
# Check the order of systemPackages
nix-repl> outputs.nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.environment.systemPackages
[ «derivation /nix/store/0xvn7ssrwa0ax646gl4hwn8cpi05zl9j-git-2.40.1.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/7x8qmbvfai68sf73zq9szs5q78mc0kny-curl-8.1.1.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/bly81l03kh0dfly9ix2ysps6kyn1hrjl-nixos-container.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/qpmpv
# Example 3: list merging
› nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.nix.settings.substituters
[ "" "" "" "" ]
q5azka70lvamsca4g4sf55j8994-vim-9.0.1441.drv» ]
As you can see, the order of `systemPackages` is `git -> curl -> default packages -> vim`, which matches the order we defined in `flake.nix`.
As you can see, `lib.mkBefore` and `lib.mkAfter` can define the order of merging of multiline strings, single-line strings, and lists. The order of merging is the same as the order of definition.
> Although adjusting the order of `systemPackages` may not be useful in practice, it can be helpful in other scenarios.
> For a deeper introduction to the module system, see [Module System & Custom Options](../other-usage-of-flakes/
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105 changes: 63 additions & 42 deletions docs/zh/nixos-with-flakes/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -162,6 +162,8 @@ Nix Flakes 对目录结构没有任何要求,你可以参考上面的例子,

`lib.mkBefore``lib.mkAfter` 用于设置**列表类型**的合并顺序,它们跟 `lib.mkDefault``lib.mkForce` 一样,也被用于模块化配置。

> 列表类型的定义我没找到官方文档,但我简单理解,应该就是合并结果与合并先后顺序有关的类型。按这个理解,list 跟 string 类型都是列表类型,实际测试这几个函数也确实能用在这两个类型上。
前面说了如果你定义了多个优先级相同的值,Nix 会报错说存在参数冲突,需要你手动解决。

但是如果你定义的是**列表类型**的值,Nix 就不会报错了,因为 Nix 会把你定义的多个值合并成一个列表,而 `lib.mkBefore``lib.mkAfter` 就是用于设置这个列表的合并顺序的。
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,67 +191,86 @@ Nix Flakes 对目录结构没有任何要求,你可以参考上面的例子,

为了更直观地理解这两个函数,现在来创建一个 flake 测试下:

# 使用如下内容创建一个 flake.nix 文件
› cat <<EOF | sudo tee flake.nix
# flake.nix
description = "Ryan's NixOS Flake";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, ... }@inputs: {
inputs.nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-23.11";
outputs = {nixpkgs, ...}: {
nixosConfigurations = {
"nixos-test" = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
system = "x86_64-linux";
modules = [
# demo module 1, 在列表头插入 git
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = lib.mkBefore [pkgs.git];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = lib.mkBefore ''
echo 'insert before default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = lib.mkBefore "echo 'insert before default';";
nix.settings.substituters = lib.mkBefore [
# demo module 2, 在列表尾插入 vim
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = lib.mkAfter [pkgs.vim];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = lib.mkAfter ''
echo 'insert after default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = lib.mkAfter "echo 'insert after default';";
nix.settings.substituters = lib.mkAfter [
# demo module 3, 添加 curl,但是不设置优先级
({lib, pkgs, ...}: {
environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [curl];
({lib, ...}: {
programs.bash.shellInit = ''
echo 'this is default'
programs.zsh.shellInit = "echo 'this is default';";
nix.settings.substituters = [
# 生成 flake.lock
› nix flake update
# 进入 nix REPL 解释器
› nix repl
Welcome to Nix 2.13.3. Type :? for help.
# 将我们刚刚创建好的 flake 加载到当前作用域中
nix-repl> :lf .
Added 9 variables.
# 检查下 systemPackages 的顺序,看看跟我们预期的是否一致
nix-repl> outputs.nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.environment.systemPackages
[ «derivation /nix/store/0xvn7ssrwa0ax646gl4hwn8cpi05zl9j-git-2.40.1.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/7x8qmbvfai68sf73zq9szs5q78mc0kny-curl-8.1.1.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/bly81l03kh0dfly9ix2ysps6kyn1hrjl-nixos-container.drv»
«derivation /nix/store/qpmpvq5azka70lvamsca4g4sf55j8994-vim-9.0.1441.drv» ]

能看到 `systemPackages` 的顺序是 `git -> curl -> default packages -> vim`,跟我们预期的一致。`lib.mkBefore [pkgs.git]` 确实是将 `git` 插入到了列表头,而 `lib.mkAfter [pkgs.vim]` 则是将 `vim` 插入到了列表尾。
上面的例子包含了在多行字符串、单行字符串,以及列表三种类型上应用 `lib.mkBefore``lib.mkAfter`,下面测试下结果:

# 示例一:多行字符串合并
echo $(nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.programs.bash.shellInit)
trace: warning: system.stateVersion is not set, defaulting to 23.11. Read why this matters on
"echo 'insert before default'
echo 'this is default'
if [ -z \"$__NIXOS_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE\" ]; then
. /nix/store/60882lm9znqdmbssxqsd5bgnb7gybaf2-set-environment
echo 'insert after default'
# 示例二:单行字符串合并
echo $(nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.programs.zsh.shellInit)
"echo 'insert before default';
echo 'this is default';
echo 'insert after default';"
# 示例三:列表合并
› nix eval .#nixosConfigurations.nixos-test.config.nix.settings.substituters
[ "" "" "" "" ]
可以看到,`lib.mkBefore` 会将后面的值插入到前面,而 `lib.mkAfter` 会将后面的值插入到前面。
> 虽然单纯调整 `systemPackages` 的顺序没什么用,但是在其他地方可能会有用...
> 对模块系统更深入的介绍,参见 [模块系统与自定义 options](../other-usage-of-flakes/
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