- Microsoft Visual Studio
- SDL2 and SDL_TTF2 (already included in Dependencies folder)
- Open Microsoft Visual Studio
- Click "Clone a repository"
- Copy and paste respository link
- Compile and run in x86 mode in either Debug or Release
- If you want to run from the generated executable, make sure the dll files and assets folder are copied to the same directory as the executable.
- Arrow = inheritance
- Line = composition
- All 81 (9 x 9) cells and the stopwatch act as buttons
- The stopwatch and any cell set to a non-zero value during the generation of the puzzle act as buttons that cannot be clicked
- "New" button generates a new Sudoku
- "Check" checks if attempt is correct
- Add difficulty setting by changing the number of cells removed in the generator class
- When a cell is selected, highlight the block of 9, row of 9, and column of 9 and show which numbers cannot be placed in that cell