Functions used to apply weighting CMIP5 data. Method used in Knutti et al. 2017, GRL, Lorenz et al. 2017, JGR (sub).
- Weight CMIP5
- Version 0.1
- Summary of set up
Calculate diagnostics for further use (climatologies, trends etc.).
Choose diagnostics for further use, e.g based on correlations with target
Calculate delta matrix, e.g. RMSE between all models and all models and obs, can use, uses rmse_3D from calc_RMSE_obs_mod_3D
Calculate optimal sigmas, needs delta_matrix calculate which sigmas result in values in between 10-90% percentile start with range of sigmas, e.g: tmp = np.mean(delta_matrix) sigma_S2 = np.linspace(tmp - 0.9 * tmp, tmp + 0.9 * tmp, 41) # array sigma_D2 = np.linspace(tmp - 0.9 * tmp, tmp + 0.9 * tmp, sigma_size) # array w_u = calc_wu(delta_matrix, model_names, sigma_S2) w_q = calc_wq(delta_matrix, model_names, sigma_D2) tmp_wmm_avg = calc_weights_approx(w_u, w_q, model_names, cmip5_area_avg) test_perc = calc_inpercentile(tmp_wmm_avg['weights'], np.array(cmip5_area_avg, dtype = float)) -> choose sigmas based on test_perc (sigma_S2_end, sigma_D2_end)
use delta's and sigmas from above to calculate final weighted mean delta_u = delta_matrix_models_normalized_by_median_if_multiple_diagnostics delta_q = delta_matrix_obs_normalized_by_median_if_multiple_diagnostics d_target = dict_or_array_with_target_diagnostic_for_all_models_in_ensemble target_file: string with file of target diagnostics, 'clim', 'trend', 'std' wu_end = calc_wu(delta_u, model_names, sigma_S2_end) wq_end = calc_wq(delta_q, model_names, sigma_D2_end) approx_wmm = calc_weights_approx(wu_end, wq_end, model_names, d_target, var_file = target_file)
(6.) evaluate weighted mean using, needs weighted multi model mean, non-weighted multi-model mean, climatology for observational data, variability in observational data. All either as timeseries (area averaged) or 3D (time, latitude, longitude), if 3D latitude and longitude need to be given as well.
- Dependencies: CMIP5 data archive
- Ruth Lorenz: [email protected]