RUSTATHON is an event based on RUST programming language organized by mozilla community.
- rustathon2k18IN
- Step 1: Fork this repository, and create a sub-directory inside the
directory with the name of your Project.
- rustathon2k18IN
└── Projects
└── [Your Project sub-directory]
├── All your project Files
└── [ Describing your project]
- Step 2: Start hacking on the best Rust project you can think of.
- Step 3: Make sure all the files related to your team's project are residing in the sub-directory you created. Create a
file by including the details of your Team members and a brief description about your project in your sub-directory. You can follow the below style on your readme file.
Project name: My awesome Rust hack
Team Members:
- Member1 [github profile URL]
- Member2 [github profile URL]
- ...
Contact Email: [email protected]
Project Description:
A breif description about how awesome your project is.
- Step 4: Once everything is ready, submit a pull request to this repository. We'll showcase your project to let know the world about your awesome hack!
For any queries raise a issue and please feel free to submit a PR anytime or you can contact Manjesh shetty via telegram (@mozshetty)