vulnpwn is a pythonic framework which is similar to metasploit-framework. If you are interested in python pragramming, please join us to create a good open-source project.
- Python 2.7+
- Works on Linux, Windows, Mac OSX, BSD
The quick way:
Autopwn is a gun for you to scan target with multi pocs.
vulnpwn > use exploits/autopwn
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > show options
[*] Name Current Setting Description
[*] ----- --------------- ---------------
[*] RHOST the target host
[*] RPORT 80 the target port
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > info
[*] Name : autopwn scanner
[*] Module : modules.exploits.autopwn
[*] Licnese : APACHE_LICENSE
[*] Disclosed : June 10 2016
[*] Provided by:
[*] Open-Security
[*] Basic options:
[*] Name Current Setting Description
[*] ----- --------------- ---------------
[*] RHOST the target host
[*] RPORT 80 the target port
[*] Description:
[*] scan target with all exploits modules automatically
[*] References:
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > show options
[*] Name Current Setting Description
[*] ----- --------------- ---------------
[*] RHOST the target host
[*] RPORT 80 the target port
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > run
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
When RPORT is unset in exploits/autopwn, every module has a default RPORT setting.
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > unset RPORT
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > run
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
If both of RHOST and RPORT are unset, autopwn will use options settings from exploits modules. ex:
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > unset RHOST
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > unset RPORT
vulnpwn (exploits/autopwn) > run
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
[*] Exploiting -
- Tab Completion
- Module extension design
- Module validation
- Autopwn
Documentation is available in wiki pages.
- Check for open issues or open a fresh issue to start a discussion around a feature idea or a bug.
- Fork the repository on GitHub to start making your changes to the master branch (or branch off of it).
- Write a test which shows that the bug was fixed or that the feature works as expected.
- Send a pull request and bug the maintainer until it gets merged and published. Make sure to add yourself to THANKS.