⚠️ Test vectors for hash_to_field were added in a scuffed way in commits 664b135, f78f9b75These test vectors are not part of the RFC specification and were added for testing purposes only.
This is the working area for the individual Internet-Draft, "Hashing to Elliptic Curves".
The purpose of these implementations is for generating test vectors and enabling cross compatibility with other implementations.
These implementations are for reference only. They MUST NOT be used in production systems.
This is a (likely incomplete) list of other libraries that have implemented hash-to-curve per the standard.
- libsodium
- pairing-plus
- Apache Milagro Crypto Library - Rust
- Zig's standard library
If you know of another library that supports a compliant hash-to-curve implementation and would like us to list it here, please open a PR.
See the guidelines for contributions.
Contributions can be made by creating pull requests. The GitHub interface supports creating pull requests using the Edit (✏) button.
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$ make
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