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Handling gruntfile.js in rtPanel
The Gruntfile is a JavaScript file that defines your projects tasks and configuration. When you run grunt
from the terminal, Grunt will check your Gruntfile and executes any tasks you've defined in gruntfile.js.
In rtPanel we used grunt tasks like fontello, imagemin, compass, uglify, watch and wordpressdeploy.
First of all load all grunt tasks matching the grunt-*
pattern, we have added following the code in the header section of gruntfile.js to load all grunt tasks.
Fontello task download font icons from fontello.com. You will need to specify the path of config.json file and css/fonts directory. By running the grunt command it will download required fonts and css as per config.json configuration.
fontello: {
dist: {
options: {
config: 'assets/fontello/config.json',
fonts: 'assets/fontello/font',
styles: 'assets/fontello/css',
scss: true,
force: true
Imagemin task compress the images size present in img/ directory to save image loading time,
imagemin: {
dynamic: {
options: {
optimizationLevel: 7,
progressive: true
files: [{
expand: true,
cwd: 'img/',
src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif}'],
dest: 'img/'
Compile Sass to CSS using Compass. Compass task helps you build stylesheets faster with a huge library of Sass mixins and functions.
compass: {
frontend: {
options: {
config: 'config.rb',
force: true
// Admin Panel CSS
backend: {
options: {
sassDir: 'admin/css/',
cssDir: 'admin/css/'
Uglify task concat and minify JS files to a single file. You will need to specify relative path of custom js files in build > src.
uglify: {
options: {
banner: '/*! n * rtPanel JavaScript Library n * @package rtPanel n */'
build: {
src: [
dest: 'js/rtp-package-min.js'
This task always watch the changes in file patterns mentioned in files and run the grunt task mentioned in tasks.
watch: {
compass: {
files: ['**/*.{scss,sass}'],
tasks: ['compass']
uglify: {
files: '<%= uglify.build.src %>',
tasks: ['uglify']
We used this task to deploy WordPress site to staging or client server. This task also search for local domain name string and replace with staging or final server domain name. For more details you can check this tutorial for WordPress deploy.
wordpressdeploy: {
options: {
backup_dir: "../../backups/",
rsync_args: ['-avz'],
exclusions: ['Gruntfile.js', '.bower.json', '.editorconfig', '.travis.yml', '.gitmodules', '.gitattributes', '.git/', '.svn/', 'tmp/*', 'wp-config.php', 'composer.json', 'composer.lock', '.gitignore', 'package.json', 'node_modules', '.sass-cache', 'npm-debug.log', '.scss-cache']
local: {
"title": "local",
"database": "database_name",
"user": "database_username",
"pass": "database_password",
"host": "database_host",
"url": "http://local_url",
"path": "/local_path"
staging: {
"title": "staging",
"database": "database_name",
"user": "database_username",
"pass": "database_password",
"host": "database_host",
"url": "http://staging_url",
"path": "/staging_path",
"ssh_host": "user@staging_host"
final: {
"title": "final",
"database": "database_name",
"user": "database_username",
"pass": "database_password",
"host": "database_host",
"url": "http://final_url",
"path": "/staging_path",
"ssh_host": "user@staging_host"
Hopefully, it will make it easier for you to make maintainable Grunt configurations in rtPanel.
- End-User Documentation
- Developer Documentation
- General
- Customizing Image Sliders in rtPanel Child Theme
- Add Google ad-banner above logo in rtPanel
- Customize rtPanel Footer Information
- Filters in rtPanel
- Integrated SEO plugin in rtPanel
- Create Metabox on rtPanel Child Theme
- Add Google Adsense Link Unit In Header
- Create Custom Taxonomy on rtPanel
- rtPanel:Comments with Gravatar
- rtPanel: Subscribe Widget
- Create Custom Post Type with rtPanel Child Theme
- rtPanel Theme Options ‘General’
- Using rtp_generate_thumbs() function in child theme
- WordPress Debugger 'WP_DEBUG'
- Adding Social Sharing Button to Website: Using Text Widget
- Clickable header in rtPanel child theme
- CSS Checklist for developers
- Implementing rtp-slider in the child theme
- Creating custom page templates in rtPanel child theme
- Child Theme development using rtPanel – Part I
- Child Theme development using rtPanel – Part 2
- rtPanel Developer Program: Standards Guidelines
- rtPanel Developer Program:Test Project
- Removing the default rtPanel Hooks
- Browser Specific Styling