neural network model of a small retail clothing store
To use, at the command line, issue the following in order:
python scaled_sales.csv sales_dataframe.p
...this will ingest the data in "scaled_sales.csv", and convert it to the pickled dataframes "pre_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p" and "post_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p"
python pre_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p sales_prediction_network.p 10000
...this will create a neural network and train it using the data in pre_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p, up to a maximum of 10,000 epochs, and save the resulting network in the pickle file "sales_prediction_network.p"
python post_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p sales_prediction_network.p output_filename.csv
...this will take the trained neural network and use it to make predictions about the dates in post_cutoff_sales_dataframe.p, and calculate and print out the R-squared of the result.