stitch pdfs together into one book pdf, then split it apart again into pdfs for the signatures
Put a plain text file in the directory with the programs from this repo, that is simply a list of the pdf's you wish to join together, with one pdf filename per line. So, something like:
Also put the chapter pdf's (in this case, table_of_contents.pdf, chapter_1.pdf, etc.) in the directory. Then, at the command line, issue the command:
python list_of_chapters.txt newbook.pdf
The file newbook.pdf will be a single combined PDF file, but if you want to turn it into a bookbinding project, you may want to shuffle the pages some. To do that, after making sure there is a subdirectory called "signatures", issue this command:
python newbook.pdf signatures
The signature pdf's will be made for printing 16-page signatures on 8 sheets of paper, in a printer that does not turn the pages over for you (so the front and back pages of each signature will be in separate 8-page pdf's).