An online Art Gallery Management System in Java (JSP, JDBC) and using MySQL database.
Art Gallery Management System
Objective: To create Art Gallery Management System that keeps record of artists, their paintings, art gallery details, exhibition details and showcases pictures of paintings to the customers.
Abstract: This project intends to include various features related to an art gallery i.e. information about gallery, exhibition, artists, their paintings, customers (the one who bought the paintings) etc. The main aim is to help art lovers know about different exhibition details organised by different organisations, the art work included, the artists. People who wish to buy this art work can very easily contact the artist. Their is a login page for administrator, artists and customer. Artists can login through their account and include details about new paintings made by them. Customers can login through their account and see different paintings available for selling purpose. Administrator can include details about new art gallery , upcoming exhibition details and the exhibition artists.
This project allows three types of users:
1. Administrator
2. Artists
3. Customer
The activities of store that the system will automate are:
1. Login
2. Entry of new art gallery
3. Entry of new artist
4. Entry of new Painting
5. Entry of upcoming exhibition
6. Accessing contact details of gallery as well as artists and their paintings.
7. Entry of Customer details, painting bought.
Software Requirements:
2.Back end : MYSQL
Scope of the project:
This project will help people to show their artistic skills. It can be used to make people aware of the upcoming exhibition i.e. its start date, end date, location. Also include artists whose paintings are available, people could contact them if they wish to learn from them or if they want to buy their art piece. They can also approach gallery staff if someones wishes to exhibit his or her painting.
PS: art_gallery.sql file is incomplete. As I had forgotten to upload this file when I added this project and got to know when few people approached me while using this project from github. Since its an old project which I was done during 3rd year of college along with my friends, I couldn't get the final schema but only got this incomplete one in my system.
Also I have added, few files related to this project which can we useful to people using this project. These files are contributed by But there are few modifications which she did while making this project work.
If anyone is interested to update this project with all working code feel free to file a pull request.