2019-10-03, include in the approval template that maintainers should include link to the docs.ropensci.org/pkg site (#191)
2019-09-26, add instructions for handling editors to nominate packages for blog posts (#180)
2019-09-26, add chapter on changing package maintainers (#128) (#194)
2019-09-26, update Slack room to use for editors (#193)
2019-09-11, update instructions in README for rendering the book locally (#192)
2019-08-05, update JOSS submission instructions (#187)
2019-07-22, break "reproducibility" category in policies into component parts. (ropensci/software-review-meta#81)
2019-06-18, add link to rOpenSci community call "Security for R" to security chapter.
2019-06-17, fix formatting of Appendices B-D in the pdf version of the book (bug report by
, #179) -
2019-06-17, add suggestion to use R Markdown hunks approach when the README and the vignette share content. (#161)
2019-06-17, add mention of central building of documentation websites.
2019-06-13, add explanations of CRAN checks. (#177)
2019-06-13, add mentions of the
helper functions where relevant. -
2019-06-13, add recommendation about using
methods. RStudio assumes thatstr
, if not when loading an R object thestr
prints to the console in RStudio and doesn't show the correct object structure in the properties. ([@mattfidler
] (https://github.com/mattfidler/) #178) -
2019-06-12, add more details about git flow.
2019-06-12, remove recommendation about
dev version since the latest stable version has what is needed. (@bisaloo
, #165) -
2019-06-11, add mention of usethis functions for adding testing or vignette infrastructure in the part about dependencies in the package building guide.
2019-06-10, use the new URL for the dev guide, https://devguide.ropensci.org/
2019-05-27, add more info about the importance of the repo being recognized as a R package by linguist (
, #172) -
2019-05-22, update all links eligible to HTTPS and update links to the latest versions of Hadley Wickham and Jenny Bryan's books (
, #167) -
2019-05-15, add book release guidance for editors. (#152)