September 10th, 12:00 - 14:00
Room: D38
Welcome to the GitHub repository for the Oxford workshop. All the code and packages included in this material is already installed on our RStudio server. You'll simply need to login here with the credentials provided to you at the workshop.
You'll be able to copy-paste all of the code provided here directly into RStudio.
- Login at
Note: Server is not on at all times. However you should be able to install packages locally at any time.
Topic | Time |
Introduction to rOpenSci slides | 12: 12:30 |
rOpenSci demos 1 Biodiversity records, taxonomic name resolution, climate mapping | 12:30-1:10 |
rOpenSci demos 2 Reproducible workflows, sharing and reusing data and analyses slides | 1:10 - 1:50 |
Wrap up and questions | 1:50 - 2:00 |
We welcome any feedback on our workshops, tools, suggestions for new packages, and any collaborations you might have in mind. Please get in touch.