serpentine is a Windows RAT (Remote Administration Tool) that lets you interact with the clients using a multiplatform RESTful C2 server.
Get files
Put files
Keylogger (Just get
file) -
Reverse shell (Using
as a client, listen on a portnc -l -p 5555
and request a reverse shell connection to that port) -
Reverse proxy (Using
, uploadrevp
to the client and execute it with a reverse shell) -
Take screenshots
directory holds the Windows portion of the RAT made with C++ and Boost.
holds the RESTful server portion made with Java and Spring.
can hold any number of frontends that consume the RESTful API but currently holds only a terminal client made with Go.
Build server
with mvn package
and then run the JAR with 2 arguments, first being the client-listening port and second the port RESTful API will be served at. Example: java -jar target/serpentine-0.1.0.jar 2222 8080
Build client
with Visual Studio and also include Boost libraries:
Build goserpentine
with go build
and run the resulting executable to see the list of options.
GET --> Returns list of currently connected clients (clients that pinged in the last 10 seconds)
POST --> Changes name associated with a client
POST --> Fetches a file from a client
PUT --> Uploads a file to a client
POST --> Makes a client initiate a reverse shell connection
GET --> Takes and fetches a screenshot