A compiler for Jack programming language written in Go... That's it...
Features will be added by the following workflow:
1. Checkout a new branch for the feature with the name of the feature as the branch name using git checkout -b <branchname>
2. Continue to work on all feature related items on that branch.
3. Once completed, submit a PR and select a code reviewer to merge the feature.
4. After merged the branch can be deleted.
Compile with make
on linux. On windows?? -- calm your farm... you can use mingw (command is mingw32-make
jjg [-tokens] [-ast] <files>
will output the xml of the tokenized jack file.
will output the xml of the abstract syntax tree.
can be any number of Jack files that are in your current working directory or can be a directoy with Jack files.
or ./tester.py <chapters youd like to test>
Can also be run explicitly as a python program like python tester.py 7
Currently only handles chapters 7 and 8
Alternatively one can use the Makefile to run tests or compile an executable with make
or make test
for Linux systems
and mingw32-make
and mingw32-make test
for Windows. To run tests for specific files use make test<test-#>
or mingw32-make test<test-#>
To play you can open up the VMEmulator program, press load program and select the flabby-bird directory.