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s3 Architecture

WindBeneathYourWings edited this page Apr 7, 2022 · 13 revisions

classifieds-ui-{prod | dev}

This bucket is private. The bucket is dedicated to hosting app releases and user uploaded content such as; panel pages and media.

druid-assets-{prod | dev}

This is a public bucket dedicated to hosting site specific assets. A single app can have multiple sites.

The site name token needs to be dynamic rather than part of environment file in Angular to achieve this. The site name is responsible for limiting searches like on routes to that of a specific site rather than the entire ecosystem since all routes will be part of the same index.

cloud ( will have a single druid release with multiple sites all sharing resources. The paid model will provide dedicated resources like independent app for a org or site. Independent apps can than have code changed and also offer online virtual environments for code changes using containers. Paid model will have dedicated repo hosted on github or aws code manage.

open search

shared model with access to dashboards for org/site resources.

  • users are provided with dashboards url

It will be important to monitor activity for neferious actors.


The rollthecloud dashboard for orgs and sites.


I think cassadra has a role to play especially with chat. Now that verti-go is back up and running the stream can be added back. I think it makes a lot of sense to use the esisting stream api to manage cassandra based data workflows like chat. This can also be used as a dev and testing ground for panel pages datasources websocket integration.

cassandra could be a great option for routing instead of open search. I actually really like that. This way we wouldn't need open search as part of the stack. Open search could be optional and possibly even a upsell.

Route searches are restricted to sites so i think cassandra is the perfect model.

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