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Druid Cloud Marketing 2

ng-druid edited this page Jul 17, 2022 · 24 revisions

Druid / Next generation CMS / by RollTheCloud Inc.

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Built from scratch, based on 15 years of experience developing CMSs. Druid uses Angular framework, with a sustainable, environment friendly distributed cloud architecture and reimagined ui.

smart | distributed | colaborative | polygot


Quickly go from prototype to green, environmentally friendly website in hours instead of weeks or months.


Follows the principles of green software engineering. Websites hosted on the Microsoft Azure cloud – the cleanest, lowest carbon cloud around. Optional AWS service integration available following the sustainability pillar of the well-architected framework.


All RollTheCloud Inc. projects are publicly available hosted on Github. Druid core is closed for modification but open for extension. Unlimited customizations is made possible by an extension architecture built into core architecture using cutting edge module federation approach.


Supports any modern JavaScript framework (angular, react, vue, svelte, etc.). Druid core is built on top of the battle tested Angular framework by Google. However, druids can also be used as app shells for micro-frontends created in other mvvm JavaScript frameworks.

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