Loads images lazy from rokka
It's compatible to vue-rokka-image.
It uses the pretty small lozad library.
jsFiddle / jsFiddle with rokka.js
npm install rokka-io/vue-rokka-image-lazy --save
It has the same properties as vue-rokka-image
, so just replace the import and maybe tagname to get lazyloading
It also adds srcset for 1x and 2x. You can overwrite that with the postfix
and options
It additionally suppports a loading
property, which should point to a loading image
alt="alt Text"
import { RokkaImageImgLazy } from 'vue-rokka-image-lazy';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
loadingImage: process.env.BASE_URL + '/assets/loading.gif',
- Go to component folder
- change
tomain: "src/index.js"
npm link
- Go to project folder
npm link vue-rokka-image-lazy
- et voila