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Python bindings for Jsonic JSON reader library.



pip install pyjsonic


git clone
cd python-jsonic
python install



import jsonic

Types and Functions

Function: from_file

Read file and returns Jsonic() object.

root = jsonic.from_file("file.json")

Type: Jsonic

root = jsonic.Jsonic("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
Member: Jsonic.type

Type member is useable for checking object and array types. Except object and array types, you will get regular python str, float, bool or jsonic.Null object.

Type Checking


Jsonic.type is useable for objects or arrays. Object and array values returns as Jsonic() objects. Null values returns as Jsonic.Null object. Otherwise it returns as regular python types.

Member: Jsonic.version

Version of python-jsonic.

Member: Jsonic.json

JSON String.

Type: Jsonic.Null

JSON Null type.

Method: root()

Returns JSON root's value if root.type is not an array or object. Otherwise it returns None.

root = jsonic.Jsonic("1234")
print(root.root()) # 1234

root = jsonic.Jsonic("\"foo\"")
print(root.root()) # foo

root = jsonic.Jsonic("true")
print(root.root()) # True

root = jsonic.Jsonic("null")
print(root.root()) # jsonic.Null

root = jsonic.Jsonic("{}")
print(root.root()) # None
print(root.type) # jsonic.TYPE_OBJECT

root = jsonic.Jsonic("[]")
print(root.root()) # None
print(root.type) # jsonic.TYPE_ARRAY
Method: len()

Gets length of array.

Method: key(key)

Returns the key's value.

Method: item(index)

Returns item of an index on array.

Method: iterItem(index=0)

Iterates array item from last iterated item times index.

root = jsonic.Jsonic("[1, 2, 3, 4]")
print(array.iterItem()) # 1
print(array.iterItem()) # 2
print(array.iterItem(1)) # 4
print(array.iterItem()) # None
print(array.iterItem()) # 1

Method: iterKey(key)

Iterates object key from last iterated object.

root = jsonic.Jsonic("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2, \"c\": 3, \"d\": 4}")
print(array.iterKey("a")) # 1
print(array.iterKey("b")) # 2
print(array.iterKey("c")) # 3
print(array.iterKey("b")) # None
print(array.iterKey("b")) # 2

Method: reset()

Resets iteration current.


An example for reading JSON data

import jsonic

root = jsonic.from_file("heroes.json")

print("Root Type: %d" % root.type)
print("Squad: %s" % root.iterKey("squadName"))
print("Hometown: %s" % root.iterKey("homeTown"))
print("Formed: %d" % root.iterKey("formed"))
print("Active: %d" % root.iterKey("active"))

members = root.iterKey("members")

print("Members: (%d total)" % members.len())
while True:
    member = members.iterItem()
    if not member: break

    name = member.iterKey("name")
    age = member.iterKey("age")
    powers = member.iterKey("powers")

    print("\tName: %s" % name)
    print("\tAge: %s" % age)
    print("\tPowers (%d total):" % powers.len())
    while True:
        power = powers.iterItem()
        if not power:break

        print("\t\t%s" % power)


Example JSON (heroes.json):

    "squadName": "Super hero squad",
    "homeTown": "Metro City",
    "formed": 2016,
    "secretBase": "Super tower",
    "active": true,
    "members": [
        "name": "Molecule Man",
        "age": 29,
        "secretIdentity": "Dan Jukes",
        "powers": [
            "Radiation resistance",
            "Turning tiny",
            "Radiation blast"
        "name": "Madame Uppercut",
        "age": 39,
        "secretIdentity": "Jane Wilson",
        "powers": [
            "Million tonne punch",
            "Damage resistance",
            "Superhuman reflexes"
        "name": "Eternal Flame",
        "age": 1000000,
        "secretIdentity": "Unknown",
        "powers": [
            "Heat Immunity",
            "Interdimensional travel"

Syntax Checking

This library does not check JSON syntax, so you may get SIGSEGV or maybe infinite loops for corrupt JSONs. Likewise in some cases of corrupt JSONs, it would work as properly.


There are some example JSONs and reading examples in examples/ folder for profiling the performance.

C Library

You can use Jsonic JSON reader library for C/C++.
