Given an image, the goal of the task is to predict its actor-action classes. Since an image may have different actors and actions, the task is a multi-label and multi-class problem.
A2D dataset: it has 43 valid actor-action labels such as 'cat-climbing', 'dog-running', 'baby-crawling'. It consists of 4750 training images, 1209 validation images, and 1044 testing images.
We provided a dataloader for processing training or validation sets of A2D dataset for the actor-action classification task. It will read images and annotations in training or validation sets; do processing on images and original annotaions; then return processed images (224x224x3) and its class labels (43-D encoding). For the returned labels, it has 44 dimensions corresponding to 44 different classes. If an encoded label is [1, 1, 0, ..., 0] (the first two elements are 1 and the others are 0), it means the image has the first and second classes ("adult-climbing" and "adult-crawling"). We provide another dataloader for processing testing set of A2D dataset, which will only return images without annotation labels.
We use precision, recall, and F1-score to measure performance of trained models. The descriptions about the three metrics can be found in course slides or
We will evaluate your model on the testing set and the results should be a (NXnum_cls) array containing predictions saved as "results.pkl", where N (1044) refers to testing set size and num_cls (43) is the number of classes, and the elements are 0 or 1. You may follow the to do testing.