Releases: robwalton/alfred-taskpaper-workflow
Releases · robwalton/alfred-taskpaper-workflow
Uploaded as v1.0
- Added dorl (rl for read later) command to capture webpage title, URL and highlighted text
- Added dosn and dohn to show or hide notes respectively
- Collapse notes in items added by do, domail or dou
- Add 'alt' modifier to act on 'Reading List' project
uploaded as v0.9.3
- d:setdoc now warns if Spotlight finds no TaskPaper files and suggesus d:choosedoc
- Create new d:choosedoc command to choose a workflow via a dialogue box
- Cursor now correctly moves from sidebar to editor pain when selecting an item
- Fix 'do' command with no args to now open workflow doc rather than just bring TP forward
- domail command warns if Mail app is closed and no longer creates an empty entry
uploaded as v0.9.2
uploaded as v0.9.1
- Fix help command to work when no workflow document has been configured
- Improve d:setdoc command so that it now shows all TP docs before typeing
- Improve dop command to focus on projects properly in all cases
- Improve search command to now show all items before user starts typing
- Add autocomplete to script filters and fix icon references
uploaded as v0.9
Initial public release