This skill provides a short analysis for a given first name.
This repository includes the lamda function for retrieving the name analysis from
The main intent, called AnalysisIntent, requires a slot for the first name and a slot for the gender.
The slot type for the name slot is AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME, and since there is no slot type for gender, the slot type may be AMAZON.SearchQuery.
This intent may be invoked by saying a name.
USER: Alexa, open Name Analysis
ALEXA: Welcome to Name Analysis. I can help you understand whether your first name is helping or hurting you… Please tell me your first name…
USER: James
ALEXA: Hi, James. What’s your gender?
USER: Male
ALEXA: As James, you have a natural interest in the welfare of your fellow man, and a desire to help and serve others in a humanitarian way. You are responsible and generous, although somewhat…
Would you like to try another name?
ALEXA: Thank you for trying Name Analysis. Remember your name can both help you and hurt you!