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Releases: rn10950/RetroZilla

RetroZilla 2.2

23 Feb 23:54
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New Features

  • Updated NSS with TLS 1.2 support
  • Various internal URLs have been updated to reflect current RetroZilla website
  • Various security fixes
  • Various build system changes
  • RetroZilla Browser (Firefox) code added
  • Non-standard ports of gopher can now be accessed by toggling network.gopher.port-restricted in about:config
  • Typing search queries directly in the URLbar now supported

Bug Fixes

  • Website certified by an unknown authority dialog

Release Notes

This build was released primarily to bring TLS 1.2 support to users as well as fix the annoying root certificate problem.

RetroZilla 2.1

13 Oct 05:34
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New Features

  • Updated default tab and security preferences
  • Disabled sidebar opening by default when searching from address bar
  • Added StartPage search engine
  • "? " from the urlbar initiates a Google Search
  • "?sp " from the urlbar initiates a StartPage Search
  • RetroZilla Home checks to see if a newer build is available
  • Various internal URLs have been updated to reflect current RetroZilla website

Bug Fixes

  • Copyright date on about:home updates dynamically.

Release Notes

Due to the long gap between the time RetroZilla was last worked on and now, We decided to release one last minor update before the work on Gecko begins. The new address bar search keywords may not work unless you have a new profile created after the release of RetroZilla 2.1. We also added an update notifier on the RetroZilla home page (about:home) to notify users that don't follow the MSFN threads that a new version is out.

RetroZilla 2.0

22 Apr 19:14
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New Features

  • New Home Page: about:home.
  • about:changelog.
  • Session Manager and Crash Restore system
  • Updated internal URLs to reflect new website
  • Added Get Extensions link to Tools menu and Contribute link to Help menu

Bug Fixes

  • More "M" logos replaced.

Release Notes

This should be our last major features-only and rebrand release. Starting with 3.0, we will upgrade the Gecko core to be more compliant for the modern web. We would like to thank the developers of the Crash Recovery and Session Manager extensions for a platform to build on for our new Session Restore feature. Users who already have any these extensions installed are advised to remove them.

In the coming weeks, we will publish a few extensions to the new RetroZilla Extensions page. Such extensions include AdBlock and Greasemonkey. We may also provide extensions or GM scripts designed specifically to make newer websites compatible with the older Gecko version that RetroZilla uses.

RetroZilla 1.1

07 Jan 03:40
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  • The rebrand from SeaMonkey to RetroZilla was finished, if there are any references to SeaMonkey that I missed, open an issue. (#1)
  • New throbber with the Mozilla "M" changed to "RZ" for RetroZilla
  • Windows 9x and NT 4 now display a proper OS string in the user agent
  • RetroZilla now has its own profile folder inside of the appdata folder. You will no longer be able to use your old Mozilla Suite/SeaMonkey 1.x profiles.
  • New about:credits page featuring both RetroZilla and Mozilla contributors. (#3)

Bug Fixes

  • A slight bug causing some elements to not display properly is fixed.
  • Installer works properly on Windows NT. (#2)

The Future

For version 2.0, we plan to add some UX enhancements, such as an about:home replacement and a built-in hosts file switcher, to make blocking ads and trackers easier. Version 3.0 will be when I start porting over Gecko enhancements from newer versions of Firefox, with major and minor version numbers of RetroZilla matching up with their Firefox counterparts. (Example: RetroZilla 3.0 will have CSS parity with Firefox 3.0, and RetroZilla 3.6 will be compatible with Firefox 3.6; RetroZilla is currently based on the Firefox 2 codebase.)

RetroZilla 1.0

26 Oct 09:34
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This is mostly a rebrand of SeaMonkey 1.1.19 with a few fixes involving HTTPS support and some basic HTML5 support.