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A 32 bit signed integer/fixed point arithmetic library for the 6502/65C02 microprocessor


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6502 Arithmetic Library

This library implements 32 bit signed integer operations for the 6502 microprocessor. Additionally routines for signed fixed point multiplication and squaring can optionally be included. The following variants are available

  • 8 bit integer and 24 bit fractional part
  • 16 bit integer and 16 bit fractional part
  • 24 bit integer and 8 bit fractional part

It does not use any ROM routines and is therefore independent of any operating environment. In other words: It should run on any machine with a compatible microprocessor. This includes: All Commodore 8 bit machines, the Atari 8 bit machines, the Apple II, the BBC micro, the Acorn Electron, the Oric, the Commander X16, the Foenix F256 Jr./K (even though it does not make use of the hardware accelerated 16x16 bit multiplication feature of the F256) heck it should even run on the KIM-1. The following routines are provided:

  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Negation
  • Comparisons: Equality, test for zero, greater or equal
  • Multiplication
  • Squaring
  • Left and right shifting one bit (i.e. multiplication and division by 2)
  • Copying (moving)
  • 8 by 8 bit unsigned multiplication with a 16 bit result
  • 8, 16 and 32 bit divison of unsigned integers

General division is only implemented for 8, 16 or 32 bit unsigned integers. 32 bit divison is roughly 1.6 times slower than 32 bit multiplication (multiplication takes about 3000 clock cycles, division about 5000 cycles). Apart from multiplication, squaring and division the routines do not care about where a decimal point (or comma depending on where you live) is assumed to be and so the library also provides the above operations for fixed point numbers in the variants mentioned above.

The assembled binary has a size of about 1800 bytes in the default configuration (512 of which are part of a table which is used for 16 bit multiplication) but you can customize the library to be as short as about 1300 bytes. If you enable all features the library has a size of about 2000 bytes.

Building and customizing

You will need the ACME macro assembler in order to build the library. You can can change the contents of zeropage.a in order to use zero page addresses which are available for use on the target system. The current values in this file are tuned for the Commodore 64. The target address can be changed in the main.a file by modifying the * = .... pseudo opcode. Documentation for the routines is provided in the source code as comments.

The file arith.a can be customized to get rid of the multiplication table in order to save some space by not defining the variable FAST_MUL in zeropage.a. Beware though that the performance hit for multiplication and squaring is significant (3-4 times slower).

The fixed point multiplication and squaring routines can be enabled by defining one (or all) of the variables FIXED8, FIXED16 or FIXED24 in main.a.

You can use the included makefile to build the library. The makefile also offers the possibility to test the correctness of the routines by calling make test or make verbtest. These targets use my 6502profiler testing tool. The tests are a conglomerate of assembly, json and Lua files and can be found in the tests directory.

Fixed point arithmetic what's that?

In fixed point arithmetic we assume that in each 32 bit number there is a decimal point (or comma) at a fixed position. In this library there are routines that assume this position to be after the first, second or third most significant byte. Let's make this a bit more concrete by assuming that the comma is after the most significant byte. In this case we have one byte as an integer part and three bytes as a fractional part. The largest number that can be represented in this format is 255 + 1/2 + 1/4 + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32 + ..... + 1/(2^24).

In memory this number is represented as 5 bytes. The first byte (i.e. the byte at the lowest address) is the sign byte where 1 indicates a negative sign and 0 a positive sign. The sign byte is followed by the byte holding the eight least significant bits after the comma, followed by the next more significant bits after the comma and so on. The last byte contains the eight bits before the fixed point. I.e. the memory layout is as follows:

sign | byte 0 frac part | byte 1 frac part | byte 2 frac part | byte 3 int part


+1.5  = 1 + 1/2       = $00, $00, $00, $80, $01
-2.25 = 2 + 1/4       = $01, $00, $00, $40, $02
+3.75 = 3 + 1/2 + 1/4 = $00, $00, $00, $C0, $03
-0.001953125 = 1/512  = $01, $00, $80, $00, $00

The interpretation of this memory layout has to be adapted accordingly for the case where the integer part is assumed to be two or three bytes.

The maximum number that can be represented obviously depends of the number of bytes that make up the integer part and the lowest number as well as the achievable precision correspondingly depend on the number of bytes that are used for the fractional part. The following table should give a first impression of what this means:

Bits in integer part Range of numbers Smallest (absolute) number
8 -256 < x < 256 0.00000006 = 1/(2^24)
16 -65536 < x < 65536 0.000015259 = 1/65536
24 -16777216 < x < 16777216 0.00390625 = 1/256

Fixed point multiplication and squaring are performed internally using the full 64 bit result in order to maximize the achieveable accuracy. As the multiplication and squaring routines are agnostic whith respect to the position or the absence of the assumed fixed point this unfortunately means that quite a few unneccessary operations are performed for multiplication or squaring of 32 bit integers if you are only interested in the 32 bit integer result of these calculations.

What's next?

  • Rethink interface of division routine
  • Handle sign correctly in 32 bit divison


A 32 bit signed integer/fixed point arithmetic library for the 6502/65C02 microprocessor







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