Visit Swap and start swapping today!
Swap is a free online platform that allows students to connect with fellow classmates and exchange goods.
Swap allows students to post items they don’t need while giving others the opportunity to find exactly what they want. We offer exclusivity, convenience, and specialized features which are not available on conventional forums or typical free and for sale message boards. One such features, allows students to enter their courses to find items that are directly related. This makes finding textbooks, lab equipment, and other course material seamless and tailored to individual students needs.
As hungry students themselves, the founders of Swap wanted to contribute to the community and provide a platform where students can connect and add to their school life. As an exclusive marketplace for Berkeley students, it is safer, more local, and more convenient.
For more information, send an email to [email protected].
Utilized Facebook SDK, Koala gem, and regex matching to create easy and secure marketplace. Only students with university email addresses will be able to sign up and swap with each other.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
def fb_id(access_token)
graph =
profile = graph.get_object("me")
return profile["id"]
return nil
def fb_auth_user(access_token)
user = nil
graph =
profile = graph.get_object("me")
fb_id = profile["id"]
user = User.find_by(fb_id: fb_id)
return nil
if user && (user.fb_picture.nil? || user.first_name.nil? || user.last_name.nil?)
first_name, last_name = profile["name"].split(" ")
fb_picture = graph.get_picture(fb_id)
fb_picture: fb_picture,
first_name: first_name,
last_name: last_name
Utilized Nokogiri gem to scrape courses directly from UC Berkeley. Students can add all their courses and easily search for posts only related to those courses.
require 'HTTParty'
require 'Nokogiri'
require 'JSON'
require 'Pry'
require 'CSV'
require_relative "links"
data = []
Links.links.each do |link|
page = HTTParty.get(link)
parse_page = Nokogiri::HTML(page)
parse_page.css('.courseblocktitle').map do |course|
parsed_course = {
course_number: course.css('.code').text,
course_title: course.css('.title').text
Pry.start(binding)"data.csv", "wb") do |csv|
csv << data.first.keys
data.each do |hash|
csv << hash.values
Grid View / List View
- Customized search parameters.
- Sort postings by title, date, price, and views.
Post Detail View
- Utilized Google API for address and maps and AirBnB npm for the calendar.
- Users can bookmark posts and save links to send it to their friends.
RFP (Request For Posts)
- Users can add custom alerts to get emails whenever a post related to the created keywords is created.
class Post < ApplicationRecord
validates :user, :description,
:img_url1, :title,
:category, presence: true
validates_presence_of :price, :if => { |post| post.category != 'Lost & Found' }
validates_presence_of :address, :lat, :lng, :start_date, :end_date, :if => { |post| post.category == 'Housing' }
has_many :bookmarks
belongs_to :course, inverse_of: :posts, optional: true
belongs_to :user
after_create :check_rfps
def check_rfps
Rfp.all.each do |rfp|
check_relevance(rfp.description, rfp.user)
def check_relevance(description, user)
post = self.as_json
relevance_score = calc_score(post, description)
if relevance_score >= 10
UserMailer.rfp_alert(user, post, description).deliver
def calc_score(post, query)
query = query.split(' ')
score = 0
max = 0
query.each do |word|
max += word.length
if post['title'].downcase.include? word.downcase
score += word.length
- Utilized Firebase DB to store conversations and polling to update messages received.
- Checks the last message of each conversation and updates whether it has been delivered / seen.
- Message templates are dynamically generated for every posts allowing users to easily copy and send.
Responsive Design
- This app is built with responsiveness in mind. Multiple break points are set to render different contents at different window widths including mobile views.
Swap is a single page app built using multiple technologies.
- Ruby
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- React.js was the framework used for the entirety of the frontend.
- Redux was utilized to store the bulk of the data needed on the client-side, and to trigger API calls as needed.
- Sass was used to better organize the CSS.
- jQuery was used for ajax calls.
- Webpack was used to bundle and minify javascript files.
- Babel was used to translate jsx into javascript.
- Bootstrap was used to construct skeleton desgin.
- OAuth was used to authenticate users using their Facebook accounts.
- Ruby on Rails was the framework used for the backend, creating models that interact with the database, controllers that contain methods to respond to http requests, a router that maps routes to those controller methods, and jbuilder views to respond to requests with JSON data.
- PostgreSQL and Firebase were used to store data.
- Heroku was used to host Swap.
- Cloudinary was used to store images.