OpenAI Gym interface for the AGX Dynamics simulation software.
Consists of a robot learning sandbox for deformable linear objects (DLOs), e.g. ropes, cables. ReForm contains six DLO manipulation environments. We categorize two types of manipulation in the context of de deformable objects:
- Explicit shape control - the goal is to deform an object to a specific shape
- Implicit shape control - the goal is to move the object into a specific configuration, indirectly needing to be deformed
BendWire | BendWireObstacle | PushRope |
PegInHole | CableClosing | RubberBand |
To install the environment, just go to the folder containing the gym-agx folder and run the command:
pip install -e gym-agx
This will install the gym environment. Now, you can use your gym environment with the following:
import gym
from gym_agx import envs
env = gym.make('BendWire-v0')
To cite ReForm in publications:
author={Laezza, Rita and Gieselmann, Robert and Pokorny, Florian T. and Karayiannidis, Yiannis},
booktitle={2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)},
title={ReForm: A Robot Learning Sandbox for Deformable Linear Object Manipulation},