Path bookmarks for MATLAB. Inspired by
With tab completion.
>> cd C:\some\long\and\hard\to\rememeber\path
>> s mybookmark
Stored bookmark: mybookmark --> C:\some\long\and\hard\to\rememeber\path
>> cd C:\projects\project1
>> s project1
Stored bookmark: project1 --> C:\projects\project1
>> l
Available bookmarks:
mybookmark --> C:\some\long\and\hard\to\rememeber\path
project1 --> C:\projects\project1
>> g mybookmark % start typing and use tab completion!
>> disp(pwd)
>> s <bookmark> % Saves the current directory as <bookmark>
>> g <bookmark> % Goes (cd) to the directory associated with <bookmark>
>> e <bookmark> % Opens the directory associated with <bookmark> in the file explorer (Windows only)
>> l % Lists all available bookmarks
>> d <bookmark> % Deletes the bookmark