Release 4.2
What's new, what's changed...
First of all, Duino BlushyBox is available again for purchase in new vibrant colours 🧡 💚 💙 💛 and an optional DS18B20 temperature sensor for Duino IoT. Check it out at
ESP Code
- 128x64 SSD1306 OLED support for displaying mining info by @revoxhere
- 16x2 LCD support for displaying mining info by @revoxhere
- Hardware abstraction layer for adding more displays in the future by @revoxhere
- DNS setting for ESP32 by @revoxhere
- HSU07M sensor support by omarherrera1978 [suggested on Reddit]
- Improved connection wait logic for more reliable network by @revoxhere
- Captive portal (AP mode) option by @revoxhere
- BlushyBox support by @revoxhere
- Ability to disable the brownout detector for ESP32 by @revoxhere
- ESP8266 watchdog timer for preventing freezes by @revoxhere
- Improved code logic to prevent ESP8266 from randomly freezing by @revoxhere
- Improved ESP32 task handling for huge performance boost (up to 190 kH/s on dual core variants) by @revoxhere
- Fixed web dashboard not working on dual core ESP32 variants by @revoxhere
- Baudrate setting option by @revoxhere
PC Miner and AVR Miner
- Only check and ask for a mining key if it's enabled by @revoxhere
- Update by @ZL1LAC in #1789
- Update by @revoxhere in #1803
- Update, added some links to useful packages by @mavotronik in #1804
New Contributors - welcome!
- @mavotronik made their first contribution in #1804
⚠️ NOTICE: .exe binaries may be detected as a virus by your antivirus software. This is a false positive caused by pyinstallers bootloader, read about it here. Duino-Coin is not a virus.
Full Changelog: 4.1...4.2
As always, please report any encountered issues. Happy mining!