Spatial dataset of 500 000 businesses handling food from the Open Data portal of the U.K. Food Standard Agency
The food hygiene rating or inspection result given to a business reflects the standards of food hygiene found on the date of inspection or visit by the local authority. The food hygiene rating is not a guide to food quality.
The python program connects to the portal, downloads each local dataset and inserts it into an SAP HANA table. The table is automatically created with all requried columns and a primary key.
pip3 install mechanicalsoup
Collecting mechanicalsoup
Using cached
Successfully installed beautifulsoup4-4.7.1 certifi-2019.6.16 chardet-3.0.4 idna-2.8 lxml-4.3.4 mechanicalsoup-0.11.0 requests-2.22.0 six-1.12.0 soupsieve-1.9.1 urllib3-1.25.3
The documentation to install the python driver for SAP HANA is here on and the driver can be downloaded here.
pip3 install $HOME/sap/hdbclient/hdbcli-2.3.134.tar.gz
Installing collected packages: hdbcli
Running install for hdbcli ... done
Successfully installed hdbcli-2.3.134
Program parameters are described by calling the help:
python3 ./ -h
usage: [-h] --user USER --password PASSWORD --host HOST --port PORT
[--schema SCHEMA] [--batch BATCH] [--table TABLE]
Downloads Food Health Ratings in the UK and inserts them into an SAP HANA
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--user USER User for SAP HANA connection
--password PASSWORD Password for SAP HANA connection
--host HOST SAP HANA server
--port PORT Port to SAP HANA tenant
--schema SCHEMA Schema inside SAP HANA tenant
--batch BATCH Group Inserts in batches of X rows for better
throughput. Default is 3000
--table TABLE Target Table Name. Default is "FHR"
Sample output for the first execution is pasted below. (FYI, this is not my real password)
python3 ./ --user SYSTEM --host h2u --password JaimeLeVin --port 30015 --batch 8000 --schema FOOD_RATING
Attempting to connect to SAP HANA at h2u:30015
Connection Established
query failed ( select top 1 * from FOOD_RATING.FHR)
Failed to select from FOOD_RATING.FHR
query failed (drop table FOOD_RATING.FHR)
query succeeded ( create column table FOOD_RATING.FHR( ID int not null primary key,
BusinessName NVARCHAR(128),
BusinessType NVARCHAR(128),
RatingValue SMALLINT null,
latitude double null,
longitude double null,
ScoreH smallint null,
ScoreS smallint null,
ScoreM smallint null,
url NVARCHAR(512) null,
query succeeded (create index IDX_LAT_FHR on FOOD_RATING.FHR (latitude))
Opening page
Found 384 links to open
Opening 1/384
Inserting 863/863 ; 863 ; 1.722774 ; 501
Opening 2/384
Inserting 1158/1158 ; 1158 ; 2.12769 ; 544
Executing (merge delta of FOOD_RATING.FHR)