A comprehensive diagram tool for HTML5 web browsers.
- Connect objects.
- Change the shape of connection arrows.
- Add points to connecting lines to change their shape and flow.
- Insert external images.
- Insert pre-built objects.
- Save diagrams as JSON, PNG, GIF, JPG and SVG.
- Load saved diagrams from filesystem and website.
Get Boxmine
$> wget https://github.com/neonnds/Boxmine/raw/master/boxmine-2015-05.tar.gz
Extract Boxmine
$> tar -zxf boxmine-2015-05.tar.gz
Enter the Boxmine project
$> cd ./boxmine-2015-05
Get Boxmine from the offical site
$> wget https://download.elasticsearch.org/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-1.5.0.tar.gz
Extract ElasticSearch
$> tar -zxf elasticsearch-1.5.0.tar.gz
Start Elastic Search
$> ./elasticsearch-1.5.0/bin/elasticsearch
Start Boxmine
$> nodejs index.js
Visit in a modern web browser:
- JQuery - A fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library.
- JointJS - An open source JavaScript library for creating diagrams.
- Node.js - A platform built on Chrome's JavaScript runtime.
- Total.js - Framework for building Web applications using JavaScript.
- Foundation - A responsive front-end framework.
Enter the Elastic-Core project sites directory
$> cd ./Elastic-Core/sites
Get the Boxmine project
$> git clone https://github.com/neonnds/Boxmine.git
Enter the Boxmine project
$> cd ./Boxmine
Install the following node modules
$> npm install cuid --save
Enter the Elastic-Core project
$> cd ./Elastic-Core
Start Elastic Search
$> ./elasticsearch-1.5.0/bin/elasticsearch
Start Boxmine
$> ./run Boxmine