Basic light meter for film camera
- Aperture priority mode only.
- Type of measurement.
- reflected-light mode
- incident-light mode
default incident-light mode.
- Auto shutdown
- 1-5 min.
default 1min.
- Auto sleep
- 15-45 sec.
default 25sec.
- Arduino Uno R3
- Arduino Pro mini
- Arduino Nano
- Arduino Leonardo / micro / pro micro
- Other Atmega328p microcontroller with Arduino bootloader
- Microcontroller
- BH1750FVI (Light sensor)
- SSD1306 OLED display 128x32
- Arduino IDE
- Adafruit_GFX
- Adafruit_SSD1306
- BH1750FVI ( by PeterEmbedded )
press or hold [ F1 ] button in main screen for change aperture
Min 0.95
Max 22
press or hold [ F2 ] button in main screen for change ISO
Min 12
Max 6400
in setting have 4 page
- Type of measurement
- Auto sleep time
- Auto shutdown time
- Rrset to default
press [ F1 ] for next page and [ F2 ] for previous page
if want to exit setting press [ setting ] button for save and exit
press [ measure ] button for switch mode between reflected-light mode and incident-light mode
press [ measure ] button for increase time
min 15 sce.
max 45 sec.
If value is exceeded press hold button and value will circle again.
press [ measure ] button for increase time
min 1 min.
max 5 min.
If value is exceeded press hold button and value circle again.
press [ measure ] button for reset to default
after press confirm in first page to confirm to reset press [ measure ]
if want to cancle press [ F1 ]
if want to castom value by yousalf go to line 580-587
default is
TYPE_measure = 0;
AepSelect = 10;
isoSelect = 9;
ISO = 100;
SLEEP_TIME = 25000; //25 sce.
SHUTDOWN_TIME = 60000; //1 min.
- 0 : incident mode
- 1 : reflected mode
AepSelect APERTURE isoSelect ISO
you can see at line 263-396SLEEP_TIME and SHUTDOWN_TIME
measured in milliseconds.