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GNSRobotics2638 committed Feb 3, 2024
1 parent d2bdbb1 commit bb1d305
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import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;

public class playMusic extends Command {
private AudioPlayer audioPlayerSubsystem;
private int toggle;
private int maxBound;

public playMusic(AudioPlayer audioplayerSubsystem) {
this.audioPlayerSubsystem = audioplayerSubsystem;
this.toggle = 0;
this.maxBound = 2; // exclusive, also maxBound is silent

public void execute() {
if (this.toggle == this.maxBound) {
this.toggle = 0;
else {;


public boolean isFinished() {
return true;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;

public class playMusic extends Command {
private AudioPlayer audioPlayerSubsystem;
private int toggle;
private int maxBound;

public playMusic(AudioPlayer audioplayerSubsystem) {
this.audioPlayerSubsystem = audioplayerSubsystem;
this.toggle = 0;
this.maxBound = 2; // exclusive, also maxBound is silent

public void execute() {
if (this.toggle == this.maxBound) {
this.toggle = 0;
else {;


public boolean isFinished() {
return true;
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@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
// package frc.robot.commands.shooter;

// import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose3d;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d;

// import frc.robot.subsystems.shooter.Shooter;
// import frc.robot.subsystems.swerve.SwerveSubsystem;
// import frc.robot.subsystems.aprilTagVision.AprilTagVision;

// public class AlignWithTargetPoint extends Command {
// private final Shooter shooterSubsystem;
// private final AprilTagVision visionSubsystem;
// private final Pose3d shooterPose;
// private final SwerveSubsystem swerveSubsystem;

// public AlignWithTargetPoint(Shooter shooterSubsystem, AprilTagVision visionSubsystem, SwerveSubsystem swerveSubsystem) {
// this.shooterSubsystem = shooterSubsystem;
// this.visionSubsystem = visionSubsystem;
// this.swerveSubsystem = swerveSubsystem;
// this.shooterPose = new Pose3d(0,0,0,new Rotation3d(0,0,0)); // first three zeroes are real measurments, no euler angles (rot. at tip)
// addRequirements(shooterSubsystem);
// addRequirements(visionSubsystem);
// addRequirements(swerveSubsystem);
// }

// @override
// public void execute() {
// Pose3d initialPose = new Pose3d(this.swerveSubsystem.getPose());
// Pose3d targetPointPose = this.visionSubsystem.getValidShotPoint().relativeTo(currPose); // getValidShotPoint() is the whole LL3 quad detection thing... WIP

// Pose2d drivebasePose = new Pose2d(initialPose.getX(),
// this.shooterPose.getX()*targetPointPose.getZ()/targetPointPose.getX()
// ) // no need for Y axis

// // 0,0,acos(dot(target,shooter)/(mag(target)*mag(shooter))) - roll,pitch,yaw
// // can use Rot3d and then apply as a transform to currPose and then supply transformed pose (time benefits?)

//, drivebasePose.getRotation(), true, false); // 1st boolean might be wrong
// // the drivebase theoretically just rotated in place to to remove the z axis

// while (this.shooterPose.getX()/targetPointPose.getX() != this.shooterPose.getZ()/targetPointPose.getZ()) { // the variable to eliminate is Z, since Z is in place of Y
// if () {}
// else {}
// targetPointPose = this.visionSubsystem.getValidShotPoint().relativeTo(new Pose3d(this.swerveSubsystem.getPose())); // doesn't exist... yet
// }

// }

// @Override
// public boolean isFinished() {
// return false;
// }

// package frc.robot.commands.shooter;

// import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.Command;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose3d;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Pose2d;
// import edu.wpi.first.math.geometry.Rotation3d;

// import frc.robot.subsystems.shooter.Shooter;
// import frc.robot.subsystems.swerve.SwerveSubsystem;
// import frc.robot.subsystems.aprilTagVision.AprilTagVision;

// public class AlignWithTargetPoint extends Command {
// private final Shooter shooterSubsystem;
// private final AprilTagVision visionSubsystem;
// private final Pose3d shooterPose;
// private final SwerveSubsystem swerveSubsystem;

// public AlignWithTargetPoint(Shooter shooterSubsystem, AprilTagVision visionSubsystem, SwerveSubsystem swerveSubsystem) {
// this.shooterSubsystem = shooterSubsystem;
// this.visionSubsystem = visionSubsystem;
// this.swerveSubsystem = swerveSubsystem;
// this.shooterPose = new Pose3d(0,0,0,new Rotation3d(0,0,0)); // first three zeroes are real measurments, no euler angles (rot. at tip)
// addRequirements(shooterSubsystem);
// addRequirements(visionSubsystem);
// addRequirements(swerveSubsystem);
// }

// @override
// public void execute() {
// Pose3d initialPose = new Pose3d(this.swerveSubsystem.getPose());
// Pose3d targetPointPose = this.visionSubsystem.getValidShotPoint().relativeTo(currPose); // getValidShotPoint() is the whole LL3 quad detection thing... WIP

// Pose2d drivebasePose = new Pose2d(initialPose.getX(),
// this.shooterPose.getX()*targetPointPose.getZ()/targetPointPose.getX()
// ) // no need for Y axis

// // 0,0,acos(dot(target,shooter)/(mag(target)*mag(shooter))) - roll,pitch,yaw
// // can use Rot3d and then apply as a transform to currPose and then supply transformed pose (time benefits?)

//, drivebasePose.getRotation(), true, false); // 1st boolean might be wrong
// // the drivebase theoretically just rotated in place to to remove the z axis

// while (this.shooterPose.getX()/targetPointPose.getX() != this.shooterPose.getZ()/targetPointPose.getZ()) { // the variable to eliminate is Z, since Z is in place of Y
// if () {}
// else {}
// targetPointPose = this.visionSubsystem.getValidShotPoint().relativeTo(new Pose3d(this.swerveSubsystem.getPose())); // doesn't exist... yet
// }

// }

// @Override
// public boolean isFinished() {
// return false;
// }

// }
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@@ -1,39 +1,39 @@

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Filesystem;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SubsystemBase;

public class AudioPlayer extends SubsystemBase {

private Orchestra orchestra;
List<TalonFX> motors;

public AudioPlayer() {
List<ParentDevice> motors = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(new TalonFX(0, "rio"), new TalonFX(1, "rio"), new TalonFX(2, "rio"), new TalonFX(3, "rio"),
new TalonFX(4, "rio"), new TalonFX(5, "rio"), new TalonFX(6, "rio"), new TalonFX(7, "rio")));

orchestra = new Orchestra(motors);


public void play(int songID) {
// System.out.println("here");

public void stop() {


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;

import com.ctre.phoenix6.Orchestra;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.ParentDevice;
import com.ctre.phoenix6.hardware.TalonFX;

import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj.Filesystem;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.CommandScheduler;
import edu.wpi.first.wpilibj2.command.SubsystemBase;

public class AudioPlayer extends SubsystemBase {

private Orchestra orchestra;
List<TalonFX> motors;

public AudioPlayer() {
List<ParentDevice> motors = new ArrayList<>(
Arrays.asList(new TalonFX(0, "rio"), new TalonFX(1, "rio"), new TalonFX(2, "rio"), new TalonFX(3, "rio"),
new TalonFX(4, "rio"), new TalonFX(5, "rio"), new TalonFX(6, "rio"), new TalonFX(7, "rio")));

orchestra = new Orchestra(motors);


public void play(int songID) {
// System.out.println("here");

public void stop() {

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