This repository focuses on designing and implementing a Natural Language Processing(NLP)-based service utilizing AWS Serverless, Amazon Comprehend, and AWS Cloud Development Kit(CDK). Particularly, it uses a real-time user review analysis system as an example. All resources and configuration are made available through AWS CDK (Typescript codes).
Detailed information on each solution feature, from Amazon Comprehend and AWS Serverless to AWS CDK, is provided. Extensive deployment procedures and guidance, including prerequisite installations, configurations, AWS CDK environment setup, stack deployments, and simulation instructions, have been included.
This project covers a range of features including Serverless Realtime Review API Service, Serverless Realtime Review Sentiment Analysis, Serverless Near Realtime Data Processing & Visualization, and Serverless System Monitoring Dashboard.
A thorough implementation guide regarding CDK project has been provided. Additionally, step-by-step instructions on how to simulate this service is also given, covering User creation in Cognito, Review requests, Monitoring Dashboard, and Athena Queries.
Upon completion of the simulation, a comprehensive clean-up guide will remove all resources deployed during the implementation and simulation phases.
Refer to CONTRIBUTING for more details.
This library has been licensed under the MIT-0 License. Visit LICENSE file for more information.