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Clone and run the project

The project code can be cloned and run on localhost. To successfully run the code complete the following steps:

Step 1

Create and complete the .env file


Step 2

    yarn install
    yarn start

This will run the app in the development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits to the code.

Code Structure


The figure shows the folder structure of the code. We will detail out some of the main folders namely:

  • Assets Folder
  • Routes Folder
  • Layouts Folder
  • Components Folder
  • Pages Folder
  • Hooks Folder
  • abis Folder
  • Hooks folder

Assets Folder

it contains assets of our project i.e. images and styling files.

Routes Folder

This folder consists of all routes of the application. It consists of private, protected, and all types of routes. Here we can even call our sub-route.

Layouts Folder

it contains layouts available to the whole project like header, footer, etc. The following layouts are present:

Components Folder

This folder is where you store reusable UI components that can be used across multiple pages or other components.

Pages Folder

This folder contains individual page components that represent different views or routes of the application.

Hooks Folder

The folder has every hook in the application that are used across multiple pages.

abis Folder

This folder contains all the abis of the smart contract that are used in the application. These are used to call various smart contract functions

Utils Folder

This folder holds utility functions or helper modules that can be used throughout the application

App Building Blocks

The main building blocks or functionalities of the Lomads app are :

  • Login
  • Projects and Tasks
  • Gnosis Safe and Transactions
  • Soul Bound Token
  • 3rd Party Tools Integration
  • Token Gating


For login and authentication Web3auth has been integrated. We use their sdk to allow users to login into the app using Metamask or Social Login (Gmail and Apple). The code can be found in /src/pages/Login/index.tsx.

Web3auth instance is used to retrieve the info about the provider, chain, account etc.

    const { provider, login, account, chainId, logout, web3Auth } = useWeb3Auth();

handleLogin function handles the login. a token is generated at login and is sent to the backend as params for createAccountAction along with userInfo.

    const handleLogin = async (loginType = WALLET_ADAPTERS.METAMASK, provider: undefined | string = undefined) => {
            await logout()
            let token = null;
            if (loginType === WALLET_ADAPTERS.METAMASK) {
                token = await login(loginType);
            } else if (loginType === WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN) {
                token = await login(WALLET_ADAPTERS.OPENLOGIN, provider);
            if (token) {
                let userInfo = null;
                if(web3Auth?.connectedAdapterName === "openlogin")
                    userInfo = await web3Auth?.getUserInfo()
                dispatch(createAccountAction({ token, userInfo }))

Projects and Tasks

Users can create Projects and Tasks using Lomads platform. There are two folders that contain the code for Projects

/src/pages/Projects /src/Modals/Projects
The contains the code for full page views for the project component This contains the code for side modals, popovers, etc that are used within the project
First Image Second Image

The main components of the project are:

Create Project /src/pages/Projects/CreateProject/index.tsx

The main function is handleCreateProject which gathers all the info required for the project creation and dispatches it to the backend using createProjectAction

    const handleCreateProject = () => {
    let project: any = {};
    project['name'] = name;
    project['description'] = desc;
    project['links'] = resourceList;
    project['milestones'] = milestones;
    project['compensation'] = compensation;
    project['kra'] = {
    project['daoId'] = DAO?._id;

Edit project

The file /src/modals/Projects/ProjectEditModal/index.tsx is used to open the Edit Modal. This is used to edit different aspects of the Project.

For each there is a separate modal that opens, for example for Milestone /src/modals/Projects/MilestonesModal/index.tsx file is used to open a new modal to edit.

This file has the function handleSubmit for editing.

    const handleSubmit = () => {
            let flag = 0;
            let total = 0;
            if (currency === '') {
                let e = document.getElementById('currency-amt');
    if (editMilestones) {
                    dispatch(editProjectMilestonesAction({ projectId: _get(Project, '_id', ''), daoUrl: _get(DAO, 'url', ''), payload: { milestones, compensation: { currency, amount, symbol, safeAddress } } }));

Same named function exists in other modals for editing

KRA and Milestones

To review KRA and submit src/modals/Project/KraReviewModal/index.tsx file is used.

handleSubmit function is used to update the KRA values

    const handleSubmit = () => {
            const kra = { ...Project.kra };
            kra.tracker = => {
                // @ts-ignore
                if (slot.start === currentSlot.start && slot.end === currentSlot.end)
                    return currentSlot
                return slot
            dispatch(updateProjectKraAction({ projectId: _get(Project, '_id', ''), daoUrl: _get(DAO, 'url', ''), payload: { kra } }))

Similarly to approve a Milestone src/modals/Project/MilestoneDetailModal/index.tsx file is used. This opens the file src/modals/Project/AssignContributionModal/index.tsx where handleCreateTransaction function is used to create a Milestone Completion transaction

    const handleCreateTransaction = async () => {
            if(Project.isDummy) {
                const newArray1 = _get(Project, 'milestones', []).map((item: any, i: number) => {
                    if (i === _get(selectedMilestone, 'pos', '')) {
                        return { ...item, complete: true };
                    } else {
                        return item;

Gnosis Safe and Transactions

For all the transactions Gnosis Safe sdk is used.

Create a Safe

The code for the same can be found here: src/pages/AttachSafe/New/index.tsx

SafeFactory is used within the deployNewSafe function to deploy a new safe

import { SafeFactory, SafeAccountConfig } from "";

    const deployNewSafe = async () => {
    		if (!chainId) return;
    		if (+state?.selectedChainId !== +chainId) {
         const safeFactory = await SafeFactory.create({ ethAdapter });
         await safeFactory
    					.deploySafe({ safeAccountConfig })


The transactions are managed in the app using the following hooks. Following types of transactions can be created on Lomads app:

  • Direct Token Transfer (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Task Compensation (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Milestone Compensation (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Recurring Payment

src/hooks/useGnosisSafeTransaction.ts hook is used for the following type of transactions:

  • Direct Token Transfer (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Task Compensation (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Milestone Compensation (Single or Multi Transaction)
  • Change Safe Settings

The main functions in this file are as listed below. Details of these functions can be seen in the code. The hook is used throughout the app to interact with Gnosis Safe

    const createSafeTransaction = async ({
            offChainTxHash = undefined,
            reject = false
        }: CreateSafeTransaction)
    const confirmTransaction = async ({ safeAddress, safeTxnHash, chainId  } : ConfirmTransaction)
    const rejectTransaction = async ({ safeAddress, chainId, _nonce, sign} : RejectTransaction)
    const executeTransaction = async ({ safeAddress, chainId, safeTxnHash }: ExecuteTransaction)
    const updateOwnersWithThreshold = async ({ safeAddress, chainId, newOwners = [], removeOwners = [], threshold, thresholdChanged = false, ownerCount = 0 }: any)

src/hooks/useGnosisAllowance.ts hook is used to create recurring payments. Gnosis Safe Allowance module is used for this.

The following functions are used to use the allowance module and set the allowance for a particular user

    const useGnosisAllowance = (safeAddress: string | null, chainId: number | null)
    const setAllowance = async ({ allowance, label, delegate, actualAmount, stop= false }: any) 

Once the allowance is approved the following function is used to create a transaction using the allowance

    const createAllowanceTransaction = async ({ tokenAddress, amount, to, label, delegate}: { tokenAddress: string, amount: number, to: string, label: string, delegate: string} )

Soul Bound Token

SBT or Pass Token can be created by deploying the smart contract.

Create SBT

In the file src/pages/CreatePassToken/index.tsx, the following function is used to gather all the necessary info and uses the *src/pages/*useContractDeployer hook to deploy the contract

    import useContractDeployer, { SBTParams } from "hooks/useContractDeployer"
    const { deploy, deployLoading } = useContractDeployer(SBT_DEPLOYER_ADDRESSES[stateX?.selectedChainId])
    const deployContract = async () => {
            if(chainId !== stateX?.selectedChainId) {
                toast.custom(t => <SwitchChain t={t} nextChainId={stateX?.selectedChainId}/>)
            } else {
                try {
                    const params: SBTParams = {
                        chainId: stateX?.selectedChainId,
                        name: `${stateX?.symbol} SBT`,
                        symbol: stateX?.symbol,
                        mintPrice: `${stateX?.price?.value}`,
                        mintToken: stateX?.price?.token,
                        treasury: stateX?.treasury && stateX?.treasury === 'other' ? stateX?.treasuryOther : stateX?.treasury,
                        whitelisted: stateX?.whitelisted ? 1 : 0,
                    const contractAddr = await deploy(params)

Mint SBT

In the file src/pages/Mint/index.tsx, the following function is used to gather all the necessary info and uses the *src/pages/*useMintSBT hook to mint the SBT

    import useMintSBT from "hooks/useMintSBT.v2"
    const { mint, getTreasury, estimateGas, checkDiscount, payByCrypto, payByCryptoEstimate, balanceOf, getCurrentTokenId } = useMintSBT(contractId, contract?.version, +contract?.chainId)
    const handleMint = async (payment: string | undefined, signature: string | undefined) => {
            if (!valid()) return;
            try {
                const msg = await encryptMessage(JSON.stringify({ email: _get(state, 'email', ''), discord: _get(state, 'discord', ''), telegram: _get(state, 'telegram', ''), github: _get(state, 'github', '') }))
                const stats: any = await getCurrentTokenId();
                let tokenId = parseFloat(stats.toString());
                const metadataJSON = {
                    id: tokenId,
                    description: `${contract?.token} SBT TOKEN`,
                    name: `${contract?.name}#${tokenId}`,
                    image: contract?.image,
                    attributes: [
                            trait_type: "Name",
                            value: state?.name,
                            trait_type: "Wallet Address/ENS Domain",
                            value: account,
                            trait_type: "Discount Code",
                            value: state?.referralCode
    const token = await mint(ipfsURL, payment, signature, tokenContract, contract?.gasless, contract?.gasConfig?.apiKey);

3rd Party Tools Integrations

Lomads app has integrated the following 3rd party tools using open APIs:

Discord: To import Discord Roles

Trello: To import boards and cards

Github: To import issues

The code can be found in the file src/pages/Settings/Modal/Integration/index.tsx. First step consist of authorisation. The following functions are used for the same. Check the code for more details

    const handleClick = (item: any) => {
            if ( === "Trello") {
            else if ( === "GitHub") {
            else if ( === 'Discord') {

Once the user is authenticated functions are used to pull roles, issues, boards and cards. Below is the code for Github Issues.

    const pullGithubIssues = () => {
            axiosHttp.get(`utility/get-issues?token=${gitHubAccessToken}&repoInfo=${selectedGitHubLink.full_name}&repoId=${}&repoUrl=${selectedGitHubLink.html_url}&daoId=${_get(DAO, '_id', null)}`)
                .then((result: any) => {
                    console.log("issues : ",;
                    if ( === 'error') {
                        console.log("Not allowed");
                    else {
                        console.log("Allowed to pull and store issues",
                                daoId: _get(DAO, '_id', null),
                                token: gitHubAccessToken,
                                repoInfo: selectedGitHubLink.full_name,
                                linkOb: { title:, link: selectedGitHubLink.html_url }

Similarly Trello boards and cards can be pulled using handleTrello function and sync discord roles using handleSyncServer function. Details can be seen in the code

    const handleTrello = (selectedValue: any)
    const handleSyncServer = async ()


No description, website, or topics provided.






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  • TypeScript 98.7%
  • Other 1.3%