We help you identify the best market place for your technical skills and help you find a job you'll love. We aggregate a wide range of API data to provide a snapshot of the technology scene in any particular region.
- Get the inside scoop on the tech scene in any city.
- Find a developer job anywhere in the world!
- Get access to every job market in the country.
- Get alerts when you find the perfect job!
JavaScript, D3, Data Modeling, Materialize, GitHub OAuth
JavaScript, D3, Data Modeling, Firebase
JavaScript, Data Modeling, Google Maps API, Indeed API
Data Modeling, JavaScript, Indeed API
The idea for DevPulse arose from the necessity of developers to find info about employers and language prevalence according to location.
Devpulse displays job positions according to location, it lets you log in and save job search.
The backend was built in JavaScript and Firebase, and the frontend was built with Materialize, HTML/CSS, and Javascript. We utilized the GitHUb and Indeed APIs.
API to return the correct information.
We divided the project into multiple microservices using javascript.
We are going to find a way to get data on the cost of living in each state, and pull data from Glassdoor on what it is like to work for each company. Try to give the developer a snap shot of what it would be like to work in each state.
Javascript, Firebase, D3, HTML5 Canvas, Indeed Jobs API, GitHub Jobs API, GitHub OAuth