This package computes Shannon and Chao diversity indices, jaccard or sorensen abundance stats and rarefaction curve. See more details on
Compute Shannon and Chao1 indices
java -cp /path/to/AbundanceStats.jar edu/msu/cme/rdp/abundstats/ShannonChao all_seq_complete.clust shannchao
Compute jaccard or sorensen abundance stats
java -jar /path/toAbundanceStats.jar usage: Main [options] <cluster file> -j,--jaccard Compute jaccard abundance stats -l,--lower-cutoff <arg> Lowest cutoff in the cluster file to compute stats for -r,--result-dir <arg> Directory to put the result files in (default=.) -R,--R-location <arg> Triggers the R plotter subsystem, provide the path to the R command -s,--sorensen Compute sorensen abundance stats -t,--otu-table input file is an otu table, not rdp cluster file -u,--upper-cutoff <arg> Highest cutoff in the cluster file to compute stats for
An example command to calculate jaccard distance matrix, perform UPGMA clustering and plot dendrogram in R environment.
java -jar /path/to/AbundanceStats.jar -jaccard -R /usr/bin/R all_seq_complete.clust
Calculate rarefaction curve
java -cp /path/to/AbundanceStats.jar edu/msu/cme/rdp/rarefaction/Rarefaction all_seq_complete.clust rarefaction plot