Learning Example of Git and GitHub operations in Rust.
- Clone a Git repo from GitHub
- Add a new mirror to the cloned repo
- Create an empty private repo on GitHub
- Push the cloned repo to the new repo
- Get a repo from GitHub - returns the status code
This code is working as learning examples, use at own risk.
Several Assumptions are Made
- The directory where the input repo is cloned is empty - will panic otherwise
- A Git Credential Helper is set with cached credentials for your Git remote
- This code can find the default Git config to know about your configured Credential Helper
- A GitHub Personal Access Token has been configured with repo create permissions, and is provided to this code
- See command line help for details
- Clean up/fix unwraps in a couple of functions, proper error handling
- DONE - Get the newly created Repo on GitHub isn't working
- DONE - Check path passed in for CLI option output-path and validate empty
- DONE - For Git push, accommodate non default refspecs
Note: A GitHub Personal Access Token can be set as an environment variable (GIT_HUB_PAT).
git-rusty 0.1.0
git-rusty --github-pat <github-pat> --new-repo-name <new-repo-name> --output-path <output-path> --repo-url <repo-url> --git-hub-username <username>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
--github-pat <github-pat> [env: GIT_HUB_PAT]
--new-repo-name <new-repo-name>
--output-path <output-path>
--repo-url <repo-url>
--git-hub-username <username>