Paper: Yoo et al. A cognitive state transformation model for task-general and task-specific subsystems of the brain connectome. bioRxiv.
Contact: Kwangsun Yoo, PhD. [email protected] / [email protected]
This script will (1) train a C2C model using a training dataset and (2) use the trained model to create individual connectomes for a testing set. It requires (1) state 1 connectomes and (2) state 2 connectomes of training samples and (3) state 1 connectomes of testing samples, where state 1 could be resting state and state 2 could be task-related state. The script can be runned like other MATLAB function after setting a path to where you locate this script.
The script has been tested in MATLAB R2016b on Mac (Big Sur, 11.2.3) and Linux