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Releases: ray-cast/ray-mmd


13 Mar 12:22
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Change Log

  • Fix issue #61 : character set 'gbk' are incompatible with the MMD


28 Jan 13:28
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11 Jan 13:48
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  • Extension

  • Latest changes - Major allocator changes:

    • Support for Depth Of Field
    • Support for edge line shading
    • Lighting : Support for disk light
    • Lighting : Better rectangle light
    • Lighting : Better sky lighting
    • Material : Optimize and improve the gbuffer
    • Material : Better Cloth
    • Material : Better Skin when occlusion map is used (preview)
    • Material : Support for toon material, see CUSTOM_EANBLE
    • Material : Add some entries of NORMAL_XXXX in the main.fx
    • Material : Update
    • Shadow : Optimize and improve the quality of sun shadow, It now has 4 tabs (PSSM1 - PSSM4)
    • Time of day : Better Scattering
    • Time of day : Add SunPhase+- and SunTurbidity+-
    • Time of day : Add OzoneMass+/-
    • Wiki : Update wiki, but only chinese now, and not complete finished yet
  • 改动 - 主要更新:

    • 对景深的支持
    • 对卡通材质的支持
    • 对边缘线的支持
    • 材质 : 优化并且改进了Gbuffer存储方式
    • 材质 : 更好的布料光照
    • 材质 : 当时用烘培的环境光遮蔽贴图有更好的光照效果 (预览)
    • 材质 : 为matcap添加了一些法线的条目在main.fx
    • 阴影 : 优化并且改进了太阳光阴影质量
    • Time of day : 更好的大气散射模型
    • Time of day : 添加了 SunPhase 和 SunTurbidity 表情
    • Time of day : 添加了 OzoneMass+- 表情
    • Wiki : 更新了wiki,陆续完善


19 Oct 23:21
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All Changes:

  • emissiveIntensity to 3 decimal places as needed #31

140beta v2

29 Jul 22:14
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All Changes:

  • Some bugs are fixed.
  • Materials : Added support for anisotropic hair. (see CUSTOM_ENABLE at 3 or Hair folder), Tangent is not good enough to have good looking results.


27 Jul 10:07
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How to update:

Overwrite the old material_common_2.0.fxsub, and rewrite the Sky Hemisphere to fix a bug. (If you forget to do it, some specular highlighting will appear and looks like metal)

All Changes:

  • Added MatCap/Sphere map support (see main_ex_with_sphmap.fx)
  • Added SSAOVisibility tab, single subset of the model can now set its visibility for SSAO
  • Added Support for volumetric (cube, sphere), they can be used to simulate the deep sea, because fog and water are the same as mie scattering (preview)
  • Removed SphereFog, but you can put a light source in MMD and assign a fx from its 'fog.fx' to the FogMap tab
  • Removed DepthMap tab and now cannot support the cast shadows on the skydome
  • Removed Some Skybox.
  • Materials : Occlusion maps can be fetched from the second UV set. download blender_mmd_tools for addUV import/export.
  • Materials : Better cloth lighting.
  • Bloom : Support for larger range (preview)
  • Bloom : Support for color modified
  • AtmosphericFog : Support for God ray
  • AtmosphericFog : Support for Better fog
  • GroundFog : Support for Better fog
  • Time of day : Support for God ray
  • Time of day : Improved Quality of cloud (preview).
  • Time of day : Support for more advanced settings (see Time of day.conf)
  • Time of night : Support for color change of all stars.
  • Time of night : Support for brightness change of all stars.
  • Time of night : Support for Enable/Disable the Meteor.
  • Time of night : Support for Enable/Disable the Milkway.
  • Time of night : Support for more advanced settings (see Time of night.conf)
  • Light source : Support for volumetric lighting from (point, sphere, spot, ies) (preview)
  • Light source : Improved Quality of shadow
  • Tonemapping : Parameter modified to 2 for Hable
  • Tonemapping : Support for NaughtyDog Tonemapping
  • FilmGrain : Better Chromatic Aberration
  • ColorGrading : Better to adjust the fewer colors
  • Fixed bug : The green is greater than red and blue, when the exposure is very bright

Bug Report:

  • Reach me via Twitter: @Rui.



08 Jul 10:32
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Fix issues #28


25 Apr 19:26
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Added a Time of day & night
Added a Sky Hemisphere
Added a Optical Flares PostProcess Effect
Added a Eye Adaptation PostProcess Effect
Added a Albedo sub map support
Added a Bump map support
Added a Specular map support
Added a Wetness map support
Added a 2.0 version of Material description (old materials still available in this version)
Improved FilmGrain (Added X & Y Film Line)
Improved bloom
Improved SSAO & SSDO
Improved Multiple Light Source
Improved cmft (fps optimize, GPU memory, 8k limit), it will output a instead of skybox.hdr
Fixed some bugs


09 Mar 04:08
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Fixed bugs


24 Jan 00:38
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注:新版本需要替换以前的 material_common.fxsub
添加了skybox_blur.fx, 用于模糊天空球背景
添加了教程 Tutorial/06-Fake Transmittance
改进了GbufferFillter, 用于减少一些头发产生的锯齿
修复部分模型IBL specular的计算bug