EOmaps v0.1.7
there are 2 new plot-types:
- ... e.g. plot a (continuous) triangulation-shading of irregularly distributed points
- it supports additional customization by adding a suffix to the "shape"-name:
: plot actual polygons (with mean-values) instead of a mesh that interpolates values_masked
: use the defined "radius" to mask any triangle for which the distance between the centroid and the vertices exceeds (2 * radius)
(particularly useful for densely sampled data-points whose exterior is a a concave shape)_flat_masked
: a combination of the above options
- create a voroni-diagram
- similar as with the Delauney triangulation, any polygon whose defining data-point is farther than (2 * radius) away from any vertex of the Voroni-diagram is masked
- cache the background on first draw of the map so that callbacks can immediately trigger