A simple, customizable maintenance mode or upcoming website template. Perfect for showing visitors that your site is under construction or temporarily unavailable. This template is open-source and free to use!
- Simple, clean design
- Easy to customize (change text, colors, etc.)
- Loading spinner animation
- Responsive for mobile and desktop
- Lightweight and fast
You can view a live demo of the template hosted on GitHub Pages here.
Download/Clone the repository: You can either download the ZIP file of this repository or clone it using Git:
git clone https://github.com/ranjeetnaiknavare/maintenance-mode.git
- Customize the content: Open index.html in any text editor, and change the text to fit your needs. You can also update the CSS file (styles.css) to match your branding or desired design.
Host your site: To host it on your own GitHub Pages, follow these steps: Create a repository on GitHub. Push the files to the repository. Go to the repository Settings > GitHub Pages, and select the branch to deploy from (usually main or master). After a few minutes, your site will be live!
Contributing Feel free to fork this repository and create pull requests if you would like to improve this project. Whether it’s fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving the design, your contribution is welcome!
Fork the repository. Create a new branch for your changes. Make your changes and commit them. ush your changes to your fork. Open a pull request to the main repository.
License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.