Info Scripts is a WIP. These are meant to be both fun and educational. is a simple script that Welcomes a user And prints some useful system information for quick referene.
You may Distribute and use this script according to the GPLv3
This script is original to extent of the tools arranged and the options with which are used to output the information targetted by the script.
BASH, and all tools used in this script are trademarked and owned by their respective maintainers.
In order to run the script, please perform the following at the command line:
cd into the directory where the script was downloaded.
and change permissions as follows:
chmod +x
Run the file as normal - ./ from the command line. opens with the neo-matrix tool, with a message displayed, ends, and then displays the Following:
- Hostname
- Kernel Version
- Public and Private IP
- Outut of hostnamectl
In order for neo-matrix to display without issues; you must ensure that it's installed on your system, along with the appropriate fonts. Please refer to your distribution for installation details of neo-matrix.
As always, to run the script do chmod +x
You Are free to Modify and edit this script to suit your needs. You may redistribute this script crediting the original Author: randomxusr