Raspberry Pi requires some special command execution to physically turn on / off HDMI ports. This utility cooperates with xscreensaver to physically turn off and on the HDMI output when necessary.
dpkg -S $(which tvservice)
libraspberrypi-bin: /usr/bin/tvservice
Based on scripts in a forum post, but packaged for debian / raspbian.
by simonmcc » Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:49 am
For the impatient:
# direct control of HDMI / framebuffer needs special permissions
sudo adduser $USER video
In your ~/.xsession file:
# start xscreensaver
xscreensaver &
# start xscreensaver status monitor
xscreensaver-pi-hdmi &
Initial inspiration from simonmcc » Mon Sep 30, 2013 7:49 am
Bash implementation and Debian packaging by Robert Ames [email protected]
The project is hosted at https://github.com/ramses0/xscreensaver-pi-hdmi/ Issues and pull requests should be directed there.
It is an open question as to whether there is a better place to put this "fix" ie: integrate directly into xscreensaver or where it makes the most sense to completely "terminate" HDMI output to allow external monitors to sleep. Architectual suggestions and pointers are welcome.