This project is an end-to-end test which targets the Oppenheimer Project.
Parallel to the automation testing work, a few manual/exploratory testing rounds were also carried out. You can find about more details on the bugs found here: docs/Bugs.pdf
The following properties in the Application.yaml file can be configured.
runner.browser: browser that will be used, supported values:
runner.headless: run browser in a headless mode or not, supported values:
runner.timeout: default webdriver wait timeout in seconds
app.base-url: base url of oppenheimer-project (Application Under Test)
app.port: hosted port of oppenheimer-project (Application Under Test)
file-paths.add-user-csv: the temporary location that the csv files to be stored before uploading
Command: ./gradlew clean test
- Open project in IntelliJ
- Right-click on the feature folder located under src/test/resources and select 'Run'
- Integration of a reporting framework (e.g. Extent Reports)