1.Determine if a word can be formed using the letters given to you.
magic("edzlatsh", "hazel") -> true
magic("uwtaqicy", "watch") -> false
2.Handle wildcard characters. "?" can represent any of the 26 characters.
magic("d??????", "code") -> true
magic("g???", "code") -> false
3.Determine the longest word in the enable1 dictionary that can be formed.
longest("uruqrnytrois") -> "turquois"
longest("rryqeiaegicgeo??") -> "greengrocery"
In the case of a tie, any word that's tied for the longest is a valid output.
Functionality 1 & 2 are solved by magic() method.
Functionality 3 is solved by longest() method.
The wordman executable file can access the 3 functions.
wordman magic edzlatsh hazel
Yes, hazel can be created.